
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For A Hair Extensions Company?

Posted by cdallen2007 on 250 Points
I am looking for a name for my hair extensions line. I cater to people of all ages and races. I have many textures and lengths. All of the hair comes in a natural black/brown color. I need a name that embodies beauty and is unique. Nothing like "Mane Attraction" something more sophisticated. Help me please!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is your primary target audience? Where? "People of all ages and races" includes 7 billion folks. Surely you can't afford to reach them all. (And why would you even want to try?)

    What important and unique benefit do you deliver? Why might someone in your target audience buy a hair extension (from you)? What do you want the name and tagline to communicate?
  • Posted by cdallen2007 on Author
    I want to target women 20 to 40. African America, Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian. I would like for the name to be feminine. I offer extensions that last longer than other companies with minimal to no tangling or shedding. I want the name/tagline to communicate good quality, a sense a hair flowing, long tresses.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Do you have a shop where you intend doing this? I speak as one who plaits her hair to keep it out of the way when I'm busy ... some of us are luckier than we realize ;-) That means I know zilch about extensions.

    On a more serious note, how can you guarantee longer lasting extensions? Or better put, rather than be vague (a real turn-off for the reader) make it more distinct like "lasts for at least 90 days" (or whatever a long time is for these things). That way readers will have a real idea of what you're offering. In what way are your extensions better quality? Again, specifics. A good conditioner will sort most tangling problems after all. I presume it's the same when you've got extensions.

    Could you give us a few hints as to what a bad hair extension is like? As mentioned, my problem is keeping the stuff short, not long :-)

    Gentle Breezes - for hair extensions that feel great.

    Not much good, but it's a start.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Rapunzel's Hair (Extensions)
    Extend Your Beauty
    Flowing Tresses
  • Posted by cdallen2007 on Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth: I like the use of the word "Extend and Tresses", it sounds good.

    Moriarty: Bad extensions are those the become matted and sheds a lot from the weft. I will begin as a online store until I have enough money to open a store front.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    How do you evaluate the sound of words -- like "extend" and "tresses?" When you say you "like" those words, should we assume your best customers will like them too? Why?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    To anybody with short hair, matting and weft will mean little unless they try to engage with your thinking. My hair gets a good brush each morning - and believe me, it needs it!

    Overnight my thoughts turned to "silky" which is how nice long hair feels to the fingers. It's pliable, easy and pleasant. Let's turn this around - how does your hair feel when it's really nice? How do you describe this, because that's what's wanted here. Having a duff hair extension is worse than having short hair, after all! A beastly congealed lump of spaghetti that sort of bumps behind you as you walk.

    open easy flowing breezy silky ??

    Now the purpose of an extension is to have long hair without the wait. It also needs to feel nice.

    How about -

    Silken Goddess - long flowing tresses that bring confidence [lumpy]
    Goddess of silk - feel your long flowing tresses in the breeze
    Silken Tresses - long flowing hair bringing out the goddess in you
    silken zephyr - inspires the goddess in you

    that'll do for a start. I need a little feedback - and can you do any better using these as a starting point?

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