
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Life Coaching/fitness/nutrition Busine

Posted by dmachmer2001 on 500 Points
I am creating a personal brand for company name is 'A Real Change with Debbie'. Within my company, I do fitness, holistic nutrition, organic and chemical free living and life coaching. I am looking for a great tag line. Thank you in advance.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    'A Real change with Debbie' is quite energetic - forceful one might say. my thoughts about taglines are that it should be more gentle, as a counterpoint and also as a way to bring those who are less certain of themselves into an understanding with you.

    I'm not on form tonight, so apols if these aren't very good.

    The gentler coach
    coaching you for a gentler lifestyle
    less stress, more power, better health.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You've told us a few things about you and what you want to do, but there isn't much in there about your target audience -- the folks who will pay real, hard-earned money for your services. Who are they? Where? What are they doing now for fitness and the other stuff ... or are they dedicated couch potatoes who eat nothing but junk food? What makes them tick? More important, what will make them want to hire you? What's the important and unique benefit you will promise and deliver to them?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Fitness From The Inside Out
    Get Healthier...Naturally
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    A Real Change with Debbie
    Become A Better, Healthier You
  • Posted by dmachmer2001 on Author
    My target market is women, ages 30-55.
    She used to put of her time and energy into making everyone else happy, and lost who she really is at her best. She is ready to lose weight, anywhere from 20-80 pounds for confidence and feeling her best in her own skin. She wants the best for her family, her children, her husband. She feels overwhelmed a lot and is coming to realize that she deserves to make a change, for herself and for everyone around her. She has tried exercise programs and diets in the past but nothing has stuck with her, since excuses used to get in her way.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    How about

    'A Real Change with Debbie' - gain confidence from within yourself
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - your confidence is inside you
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - helping you with the overwhelm
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - helping you out from beneath it all.
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - when it all seems too much.
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - when it's all been too much
    'A Real Change with Debbie' - unsticking those excuses!

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