
Topic: Taglines/Names

Seeking Creative Name For Real Estate Business

Posted by on 250 Points
I am new the real estate and am looking for help to come up with a name and slogan for my business. I would like to incorporate my first name "Nikki" into the name but it's not essential (I would choose my last name but it is "Norton" and I don't want any confusion to arise from the existing Norton Realty in Georgia). Any help or suggestions will be appreciated!! Thanks!

Nikki Norton
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Well, you've got to get your business to stick out somehow, and one of the ways is to use your own name! So that at least is a start. At least you know that you need to stand out - only your own first name may not be the best way ... read on !

    More important is differentiating yourself from everyone else by what you do - and who you serve. Nobody sets up in business without some understanding of what they're up to, and that includes you and me. What have your previous clients (or clients you've dealt with for a previous business) said about the way you handled them? Because this is the very best thing to differentiate yourself: it's honest and it's not something that everyone else can do. Or for that matter wants to do.

    My only thought is that using your first name only may lead people to think you're not professional enough. I know that for myself, as people tend to see me as an amateur and an outsider - however, dealing with that is no mean hurdle to leap. Especially here on this forum! People are not always as accepting as they claim to be. They'll happily say something to you, tick all the right boxes - and go and do something completely different. If you're brave enough, by all means use your first name, but your locality - or some well known landmark may serve you better? Some well known avenue or street that conveys a certain allure.

    As to taglines/slogans, it needs to tell people what they can expect of you. And what not. If you're not into selling building plots or farmland, you don't want to be attracting farmers and developers. If you are, then turn it around and phrase it to deter those looking for new flats or rented accommodation or whatever.

    If you'd like us to come up with some ideas, fill in the gaps and we'll come up with some ideas you can mix up. Don't forget to find out which your customers react to most.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Why not simply .. "Nikki Norton Realty" for the name?

    Your slogan should reflect how you are differentiating your services from your competitors. You haven't provided us with this info yet.

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