
Topic: Taglines/Names

Brand Name Needed For A Plastic Pipe System

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Desperately looking for a short, easy to pronounce name for a Plastic Pipe System that is targeted towards industrialists, government agencies, architects, plumbing conslutants, etc. The unique feature of the system is that the material is highly flexible. It has the ability to mould itself according to the surface. It is highly durable and has a broad range of applications from industries, mining, water distribution networks, etc. It can be used for the distribution, supply or disposal of water, effluients, gas, etc. In terms of personality we see it as a trust worthy, young and energectic brand that is a problemsolver.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Hi, Mariam --

    Looks like Flexpipe (an obvious name) is already taken by another company. It's kind of dull, anyway.

    What about something like:

    WhipLine (I checked, and the .com domain IS available!)

    Or a variation on that theme... PipeWhip? or DuctWhip?

    If I think of anything else, I'll be back.

    ¤ Shelley ¤
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    OK. I'll be the process person.

    How are you going to know which name is the right one? What are the selection criteria? If you haven't thought about that, then what are you going to do with all the responses?

    A suggestion: Create a mock-up ad -- simple statement of primary benefit, with a simple picture of the product. Make several copies. On each one use a different candidate for the brand name. Then recruit a few dozen people in your target audience. (A few hundred would be better, but a few dozen is a good start.)

    Ask them to rate the importance of several features, attributes and benefits of a piping system. (Use a 5-point scale to indicate importance.)

    Then show them the ad (one ad for each person). Then ask them to rate the product in the ad (using the name when you refer to it) on each of the same criteria they used in the importance rating.

    What you'll end up with is a couple of things: First, you'll know what each name connotes in terms of benefits, features, etc. Second, you'll know which set of features/benefits are most important. Then you can decide which name best communicates the features that are most important to the target audience.

    If the brand name is important, it's worth this kind of objective assessment of the name and positioning. If it's not, then save yourself the time and get out the dartboard.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    mgoodman always makes us come back around to the very foundational purposes of what we are doing and that's real cool stuff. What he's asking you to do is no different than a marketing Genius a hundred years ago named Claude Hopkins would have asked you. I don't ever think Claude would have done it any other way than to test it and amazingly some of his marketing techniques are still being used, swiped, stolen and ripped off to the tune of very successful campaigns. Well if for any reason this does not move you consider the name...

    E-Z-Pipe...the pipe that's good from E to Z.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    A variation on some of Rikki's ideas: ZagPipe

    Suze, I hope there are some holes in your box to allow for breathing!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Pretzel Pipe Systems

    I'm still thinking,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Also liking Michael's mock-ad exercise.

    Maybe ..

    FlexTuff Pipe Systems
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    This is the process so you can try this yourself:

    Also try this which is also useful:

    Or how about:


    Or words around:

    Good Luck

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