
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Jewelry Business Name Help

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a new jewellery business online and need to come up with a name for it. To describe the jewellery its indian style. I would say it's bold, bright, and high fashion yet feminine. It has been boggling my mind and I feel that this name will dictate a lot about my web design.

My parent company name is kanukuntla kanakaiah jewellers (kk)

please suggest any taglines !
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Well, usually such boggles as yours are quickly sorted by looking your business from the point of view of your best customer. Imagine someone who really likes your style, character and colours. Imagine them coming back with a friend - and then imagine what they've told that friend so that they came along to visit as well.

    Sure, this is imaginary, it's also a very good way to 'externalize' your thinking. To look at yourself from behind the mirror, rather than just looking into it and wondering if it's all worth it!

    Now apart from this, you have asked for some help with a name and tagline. You'll have to take a look and see if there are any ideas here you like. They'll be pretty generic, and you can help by firstly choosing those you like - and making them more "you". Don't forget to ask your customers which one they like too; after all, they're the ones buying.

    So, here goes:

    KK Class. Beautiful expertly made jewellery
    Classy KK. Jewelry and silversmithing in eveyr colour of the rainbow
    Rainbows KK.* Bringing you the best in handmade jewellery[silver] (*You can begin to see how my mind works?)

    Do any of these strike a chord with you?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Bold Fashion of India
    Bright Fashion of India
    Bold & Bright Jewellery (of your local area)

    You can also add a tagline to further clarify your unique benefit/positioning for your target customers.

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