
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For Women's Line Of Fitness Products

Posted by jrose801 on 250 Points
We are a sports nutrition company working on releasing a women's specific line of product. This line will focus on all aspects of women's fitness - strength, endurance, fat loss, etc. We are looking to find a name that will not only reflect this, but that will catch the attention of the consumer - A name that will be memorable and entriguing. A name that women will not forget and will want to share with others. A product that they cannot resist purchasing. Thanks in advance for your input and suggestions.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It sounds like you're looking for a "magical name" - something that will appeal to all women, that will suddenly make them need to buy your product. But you haven't shared what specifically you're offering (a powder? a pill? a drink? an injectable?), how you've certified that it can achieve the goals you claim, which women (ages, location, income level, etc.) would be interested, and how you compare to your competition (price, 3rd party testing, ingredients).
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    You want-
    A name that will be memorable and intriguing. A name that women will not forget and will want to share with others. A product that they cannot resist purchasing.

    Call your line of products, "I'll have what she's having!"

    Image montage of several healthy, athletic-looking, smiling women doing fun, active things. Maybe emphasize a pic of one of them drinking one of your products.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Let's focus in on your target audience a little more. Who are they? Where are they? What are they using today for the same purpose you hope to address? How/why is your solution better?

    Naming isn't just about having a word or phrase that you can use when referring to a product. It's about communicating an important and unique benefit to a very specific/targeted audience. Help us by defining that audience and the positioning benefit that would be compelling for them.

    Note: Depending on how you want to define "women," you could have 2-3 billion people in your target audience. Not very realistic. See if you can get that narrowed down to a market you can reasonably expect to address.

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