
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name A Teen Health And Wellness Program

Posted by AWells on 250 Points
I was just given the opportunity to coordinate a recently funded Health and Wellness program geared toward at risk teenage girls. I am responsible for conducting the research and creating all of the curriculum and additionally, GIVING IT A NAME!

I want the name to be something fun that the girls (ages 14-18) will like, so not too cheesy, but professional enough to be written on official reports, etc. I can't seem to come up with anything catchy. I don't want it to focus on weight, moreso wellness, health and other positive sounding words.

Lastly, I need to come up with it in the next 3 days!!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Who should the name ultimately appeal to: the girls, a corporation, donors, or the public?
    What will make your program unique in you region?
    What criteria will you use to select a name?
  • Posted by AWells on Author
    I am looking for a name that will appeal to a wide variety. I want something that the girls like and can identify with, something professional enough to have on official documents to the primary donor and something that easily summerizes the program and is catchy so that it attracts continued donor support that I will be seeking to keep the program going beyond its initial start up.

    What makes it unique is that it is catered to a special group of girls that have been in the foster care system, behavioral facilities and other non traditional upbringings. This program will teach them about how to take care of their whole selves, mind and body.

    There is no set criteria, just something that satsfies all the above groups of people.

    Some names that have been tossed around are Girls on the Move and Teen Esteem, but my feedback was that they were too boring.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The problem here is that you have multiple audiences, and each one requires a different benefit promise if the name is going to be effective. When we're faced with a situation like this, something has to give, because you can't be specific (to an audience); and non-specific names are rarely effective at communicating a clear benefit/message.

    You're either going to need a "boring" name or one that's generic. And that's doubly true when you have a tight deadline like yours. There just isn't time to explore a lot of options.

    My suggestion, if the deadline is not negotiable, is to go with "Teen Esteem." It's positive, relevant and plays well to all your audiences. Whoever thinks it's boring can suggest something better ... as long as it's in the next 3 days.

    P.S. How are you going to conduct the research in 2-3 days? What if you learn something from the research that would lead to a great name (i.e., one that isn't so boring)?
  • Posted by AWells on Author

    Thank you for your suggestions. I was offered the position last friday and started monday. Although the program will begin in October, my superiors want the name to be first priority and sent me an email yesterday stating that it should be decided by our first meeting monday. I have more time after monday morning to do research and plan, and I couldn't agree more that something great might inspire me through that research, but sadly they are unwilling to wait or offer up ideas for the naming process.

    So if you or anyone do have anything creative or catchy, I would love to hear it! If I can't come up with anything by monday morning, then boring it is... but I would at least like to try!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    I also think "Teen Esteem" will work as a best short notice naming solution. Here are a few that may help get your creative juices going ..

    b fit girls
    b well girls
    Girls on the Go
    Go Girls
    Teen Team Girls
    Teen Esteam
    b bounce girls
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You might also consider "Fostering Girls" since it plays off both where the girls are from and what the goal is.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I'm sorry to hear that your bosses are being so unreasonable. It's not untypical ...

    Health respect
    healthy respect
    fostering respect
    Give girls their pride back
    Respect & Esteem
    Girl Esteem

    Now you should have a few ideas from the last few comments :-) If they promote ideas from yourself, please share the direction, I'm sure we can come up with more over the weekend! You could also do an afternoon's display network campaign to see which your target audience like most ... (check out for more info on this).

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