
Topic: Taglines/Names


Posted by dorehuss on 25 Points
Opening a new retail plant shop and the name is Planted. Need a catchy tag line. Will sell
tropical houseplants; Green Walls and provide
plantscaping for homes and offices.Ideas?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Where? What do you want the tagline to communicate? Why do you need a tagline, and why "catchy?" Do people in your target audience choose a plant shop based on how catchy its tagline is?

    You might be better off with a meaningful and compelling tagline than a "catchy" one. Besides, what's catchy for one person might sound stupid to someone else.
  • Posted by dorehuss on Author
    Well then. Does Planted tell YOU everything when looking at a sign or a business card?
    By "catchy" I want clever, not bland like "great source of house plants" .
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    The best taglines are both relevant and relative.

    Relevant as benefits most desired by your specific targeted niche market.

    Relative to the tagline messages your nearest competitors are sending to this same targeted market.

    A tagline such as .. "great source of house plants" is neither relevant or relative. It's just a generic statement about the category not the players. Any plant shop could use it.

    What you need is a strong benefit/positioning tagline that is unique to your plant shop and meaningful for your targeted customers. If it can be worded in a way that makes it stand out or become more easily remembered, then that would be a bonus.

    Tell us more of your story and so we can provide you with more helpful solutions.

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