
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For A Company To Deal School Soln

Posted by chanda_amitava on 25 Points
1.Need a TAGLINE for a Company which is going to deal with School.
2. Going to sell Teaching Aids for Teachers in school.
3. Going to conduct teachers training workshops in school.
4. Going to conduct student counseling.
5. Going to sell activity tools for students.
6. Going to provide support in accessing other stationaries required in schools
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    What is the name of the company (it's best not to repeat the company name words in the tagline)?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Multidimensional support for schools.
    Dimensional support for schools
    Multifaceted support for schools
    Doing everything but your homework
    Doing everything but teach the kids

    You may want to add your geographic location and a few other details. The closer you get to being a personality, the more effective your communications will be. Sure, you will get into trouble - just as I do right here. The communication with those that matter - people like you - is worth 10x the trouble I get into.

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