
Topic: Taglines/Names

Foodie Festival

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am planning a new restaurant and spirit/wine/beer/ event and want to find a different name than wine and food festival. (There are lots of wine festivals in our area already.) This event will have a strong restaurant focus with the addition of wine/spirits/beer, specialty food shops & caterers exhibiting their samples. It will be a high-end event featuring the areas premier restaurant and beverage offerings. I like the event name "Devour" but need a tagline to go along with it to describe the event.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Well, devour is what my family certainly did. You're lucky as it's just hit dinnertime on this side of the planet and I'm feeling hungry. Thinking food shouldn't come hard.

    So I'll take your lead with Devour and see what comes out in the wash. As someone who values the quality of her food beyond almost everything else, I have to admit that devour doesn't do it for me. But that's me, not your target audience. So here goes, and do please tell us what you do (and don't) like so that we can take your lead.

    Gourmet gobble* (*I told you - but gobble isn't much better either. Still at the raw stage before the ideas really kick in and a flow starts)
    Galloping gourmets - menus and beverages from across the world
    Devour - the spot for the finest recipes and wonderful vintages
    Gently Devour - the best in food and beer right next door.

    That'll have to do, I'm out of gas. It's not kicking in today. I need some feedback, something to tickle the imaginative tastebuds. Is there anything that makes your restaurant/festival/location/timing extra special that we can tie into the taglines?

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Hmm, maybe stick the name and slogan kind of together

    the area's premier restaurant and beverage offerings

    Could be read all as 1 sentence, or as separate sentences.

    I would change "the area's to the name of your area.
  • Posted on Author
    Moriarty - what about "Devour" don't you like? I'm open to suggestions! I like the word Gourmet...but I find it a bit stuffy as a lead word.

    Peter: I don't like the word "offerings" in the tag line.

    I would like to include the broadest amount of foodie and drink type exhibits. Keep the ideas rolling...thank you!!!
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Well, as I said, hours of cooking and preparing could disappear in minutes - literally. I'd be sitting down and the cutlery would be being put down. Devour is a word to me that has real connotations! What's more it's not the sort of thing you do when you savour a meal.

    Perhaps that's a better word? Savor (a la Americain).

    Gourmet is probably rather stuffy - but then I live next door to a French speaking country and gourmet is a genuinely appreciated word. Again, it's the connotations - you don't live next to Belgium!

    It's up to you to make sure that your audience let you know what they feel about these words - they may share your views on Devour. I can't tell you, and the Google Display network is as good a place to get real hard data to back up your ideas. I'm taking my laptop on the train tomorrow so I can write my pdf on how to gather information using the Display network. It'll be out at the end of the week.

    In the meantime - I'll stick with devour since you like it. After all, just as when I was painting a house in colors I didn't like myself, I didn't have to live there. As long as my customers were pleased with the result, that was fine by me.

    Savor, flavor, aroma,

    Devour - food and drink flavors from across the world
    - aromas to tempt any appetite.
    - good food and good flavors.

    I'm starving and I have half an hour before a webinar starts. I'll be back in 2 hrs or so. I hope this has helped a little.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Where is the event? Are you opening your own new restaurant?
  • Posted on Author
    It will take place one night at a high end event venue in the arts district in town.
  • Posted on Author
    Flavors from around the world doesn't work. The event will focus on mainly local restaurants, local chefs and while it will showcase different ethnic food I want the focus to be that it comes from local people.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Devour - what your locality can do!
    - local restaurants flaunt their stuff
    - great food from the people you know
    - get to know the wonderful flavors produced in your district [or backyard if you are brave enough to use this!]
    - wonderful flavors from wonderful restaurants
    - wonderful restaurants and flavors, all within walking distance [actually ... are they? I don't know ... we have five restaurants within walking distance]

    - a festival of local chefs' flamboyance

    Any better? At least you can't complain that I don't try!
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Just by way of an aside, I love it when the authors get involved.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A Delicious Night To Remember
    Love Your Tastebuds
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    A Foodie's Night to Remember
    Truly Delectable Ethnic Flavors
    Distinctively Delicious Dishes For All
    Savor the Ethnic Diversity
  • Posted on Author
    thoughts on these:

    Event Name: Devour Okanagan
    Savour / Sip / Socialize
    The most delicious event for social foodies.
    The event for foodies to savour, sip and be social.
    A Gourmet Experience for Social Foodies.

    It is important for the event to appeal to self-proclaimed "foodies" and for it to be the place where the best chefs in town want to be seen at.

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Those are pretty good - another approach is to use words that only foodies know. Everyone knows what an a la carte menu is, only foodies know what a Souris d'agneau confite au romarin would be ;-)

    I like the feel of "sip savour and socialize". All you need now is a chef ...

    I am a foodie, I grow my own because it tastes better ... and sipping, savouring and socializing would speak to me.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I agree "Savour / Sip / Socialize" appears to be the winner.

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