
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Leather Belt And Wallet Business

Posted by gkapoor80 on 250 Points

Looking for help to create tagline/ slogan for company and website manufacturing and exporting leather accessories like belts and wallets.

Thank you
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is the target audience? Where? And what's the name of the company?

    Also, you might share with us why you want a tagline? What do you expect it to do for you? Where will your target audience see it, and what do you want them to do when they do see it? What are you hoping to communicate with the tagline? Or is it just to explain an esoteric company name?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Indians have always been good at business - if you've ever wanted anything in Africa, find your local Indian dealer. They'll find you anything, but at a price. Whilst Indian goods are still cheap, they may not be for long; the world is changing. So prepare for that, and prepare well if you want to prosper and please forego the temptation to be the cheapest. Anybody can do that.

    Having a tagline tells people what to expect of you and your products. More to the point it'll bring you the kind of customer who don't mind spending a little more for real quality.

    Is your stuff hand sewn? What other things make it distinct? The type of leather used, its suppleness or long lasting qualities? What would you say were the strong points of the things you make and sell? What are your customers saying about your products?

    In the meantime - a few tries:

    The strongest and softest leather.
    For leather that feels good
    Leather that feels nice in your hand
    Buy it once, love it forever

    All a bit vague, they're a starting point.
  • Posted by gkapoor80 on Author
    Dear Moderator

    Thanks for the reply. We are basically a B2B company and supplying to major stores, retailers and boutiques all around the world.

    We are looking for a Tagline because our name is like XYZ Exports India which doesn't specify the field we are into and hence we need to use this on our Website, our business cards etc.

    Hope this will make it more clear.

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Any thoughts on the ideas posted so far? Were they in the right direction (or not)?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    XYZ Exports India
    Leather Masters for the World
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Worldwide Leather Accessories Manufacturers
    Quality Leather Accessories Manufacturers
  • Posted by gkapoor80 on Author
    Not very exciting... I guess though these are in right direction but too generic or not very creative. How about something like:

    We know Fashion
    Accessorizing the World

    Or maybe something on these lines ?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Your business name doesn't tell the customer anything about what product segment(s) you serve, so the tagline must do all the work. What does "We Know Fashion" say to a customer?

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