
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Name For My Wedding Design Business....

Posted by nevadawedding on 250 Points
I am finding it very difficult to come up with an original business name in the wedding and event planning industry. It seems almost everything I have come up with is already being used by a similar company. I don't want to piggy back on a name either, as this industry can be shady. My company offers design and coordination services, with a strong emphasis on personal details. Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you targeting all of Nevada, or just a region within in?
    What types of events?
    Mostly weddings or businesses (if so, what type)?
    Since you have a lot of competition, what would make someone want to hire your services (others would claim "strong emphasis on personal details")?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Why not just use your own name .. "YOUR NAME - Wedding and Event Planning of Nevada." Try different combinations of first/middle/last names, such as your first and middle name.

    No one will copy it, you will always have it, many of the best designers use their own names.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Have a look at this from your customer's point of view. This is much as Jay suggests but makes it a little more personal, as it were. After all, you're doing the personal side - and just like me, your character needs to shine through. It's what people will like most about you - and like least. The good ones will be truly loyal and the ones who'd like you least wouldn't be good customers anyway. It's a kind of win-win as it were. If you express yourself carefully and are true to yourself, this will run through your business (and its marketing) like the letters through a stick of rock (if you Americans have such things). I don't know because the last time I was in the US I was six and I wasn't looking for sticks of rock.

    In the meantime - a few ideas:

    Nevada's Golden Rings [hmmm .... ]
    Nevada Wedding Rings [you could always add your own name ... ]
    Something borrowed, Something special
    Wedding Tresses
    Wedding Bells

    I haven't looked any of these up ... do these give you anything to go by?

  • Posted on Accepted
    Great.Regarding business, you always want to be clear yet clever.The business world is full up with clever, sharp movers and shakers.
  • Posted by nevadawedding on Author
    Thanks everyone!! I've got it!
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Tell us ! ! ! :-)
  • Posted by nevadawedding on Author
    Not until my business registration goes through :)
    Thanks for the interest though

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