
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Suggestions For Name/tagline For Logistic Co.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My dad heads a Logistics Company in India by the name Neelu Roadways. He didn't bother with branding of company for all these years. I want to grow the business to new markets. I need to change the company name to something more mature and professional. I have thought of names like Omnitrans Logistics (suggesting that we handle all types of cargo and are present throughout the country), Nimbus Logistics (it just sounds good to me, doesn't have much meaning to it). The USPs of my company would be increasing efficiency by implementing new technology,one stop shop for clients as in making logistics simpler for clients by high level of integration, maintaining high level of business ethics in the highly unethical market. My company would initially operate in road transport, but I don't want to limit it to that as I intend to integrate various modes of transport in the future.
So I would kindly request all to pour in your suggestions for a new company name suitable for my industry along with tagline to support.
Thanks. Cheers.
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  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Changing a name on it's own doesn't do much. You've probably got a lot of goodwill out there and an unusual name can be a stand-out if it's already established. The only thing you might change is the Roadways to give more scope to grow and add a tagline.

    Neelu International Carriers (NIC)
    Neelu Trans Globe (NTG)
    Neelu Fast Freight Logistics (NFFL)
  • Posted on Member
    Good ones above.

    Neelu International Logistics
    Neelu Global Logistics
    Neelu Freight Group
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Regarding .. "He didn't bother with branding of company for all these years." Why do you think this is true?

    Ask your customers what they think about your business. What they tell you is your brand. A brand exists as a perception in the minds of people. Next, with the knowledge of what your brand truly is to customers, you can build and diversify the business based on the known brand and in the directions that will benefit your current and future customers.

    At this stage, you are just guessing at appropriate names/taglines.

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Neelu Worldwide Freight
    "Integrity and Technology in Freight Logistics"
  • Posted on Author
    The problem with Neelu is that it doesn't make the company look mature and professional. When my dad started the company, no one usually cared about branding in transport industry and names like this were more prominent. Times have changed and names like these give a feeling that the company has not adapted to changing times. I am sure of the fact that with this name, i will not be taken very seriously by most of the big names in the industry. Perhaps i can keep a name like Nimbus international logistics U...short form of which comes out to be Nilu. But i am not getting any word starting with U that goes with the name. Please pour in your suggestions. Is this a good idea or if there is a better option.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    I'm not going to argue with you about Neelu helping your company to appear mature and professional. Well...I do want to make one comment, though.

    You talk about "maintaining high level of business ethics in the highly unethical market." A more personal name, one expressing some commitment by actual individuals, can be quite powerful.

    You know your cultural environment better than I do. Just consider the balance.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If Neelu Roadways is well-known, don't change it. Instead, use a new (umbrella) business name to encompass your new markets, and make Neelu Roadways a "division of" this new company. That will allow you to start afresh and keep the recognized name. Over time, you can transition Neelu to some other name (more related to your umbrella name) - if necessary.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear Mr Mike Steffes,
    Sorry if any of my statements seem like an argument. I was just trying to make my point. Peace.

    Dear Mr Jay,
    I really like your idea of Umbrella branding. I was thinking on similar lines. Could you please suggest me some suitable names.

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