
Topic: Taglines/Names

Professional Counselling & Referral Centre

Posted by georgebielay on 500 Points
I'm a professional counsellor of 20 years and will be opening a private counselling centre with multiple practitioners. The centre will provide general counselling and referrals to the public. I'm looking for a tagline for the centre (called, Professional Counselling & Referral Centre, or PCRC).

Over my career, I hear from clients the following: finding the right counsellor is like throwing a dart, or picking a name out of a hat. Therefore, PCRC will provide a "matching" type of service, by way of interviewing the prospective client, assessing their needs/goals etc. and then providing them will a recommendation as to which counsellor to see.

I'm hoping the tagline speaks to the client's dilemma of not knowing how to find a counsellor. Some taglines I've consider are as follows...please note that the term "key" is used frequently, as the PCRC logo will be a type of 'skeleton key & question mark symbol' (ie., the keys to your the idea, key matters, key questions etc.)

Tagline considered to date;

The key is [to] finding the right help [for you]

The key to getting you started in exactly the right place (with the right help)

Taking the guesswork out of how & where to start (getting the right help)

Helping you find the keys to the right counsellor, the right questions & the right answers/help

Because finding the right counsellor, with the right tools to the right questions is key

[Because]finding the right counsellor is key [for you]

Connecting you with the right counsellor [is key]

Finding the help you need is key

Thanks, I'd appreciate any thoughts/feedback.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'd suggest extending the benefit further. Finding the right counselor is just a step in the right direction, not the final goal. I'd reference/promise the real objective -- the emotional payoff for which this is an important first/next step.

    I also don't understand who your target audience is. Is the ideal client just out of school? About to retire? Unemployed? Frustrated at work? Married? Just out of prison? Mentally ill? Other? When you say "professional counselor" what do you mean? What kind of counseling, and for whom? Do you counsel professionals, or are you the professionals and you counsel [professional and non-professional] people?

    Who pays for your services?
  • Posted by georgebielay on Author
    Hi, thanks for your thoughts and questions. Let me try to reply.

    My target audience are working professional, adults, from 18+, both single and married. Typically, these are moderately affluent professionals, with emotional concerns ranging from depression & anxiety, stress (life, family, work), family and relationship/marital problems, alcohol, anger management, self-esteem, trauma (childhood), parenting issues....essentially a very broad range of life matters that bring people to seeking a counselling service.

    Lastly, I referred to the counsellor at PCRC, as being the professionals.

    Hope this information is helpful.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Now apols because it's been a long day for me, so this isn't going to be very coherent. When you say "finding the right counsellor is like throwing a dart, or picking a name out of a hat" - that isn't so surprising when most counsellors describe themselves in terms that are frankly bland. It's hard to pick someone out when they're all huddling together. That goes for most professions, it's the rare individuals with a dash of self-confidence that are brave enough to say something that people might not like ...

    "Taking the guesswork out of how & where to start (getting the right help)" that's informing your customers in a way that to me is only telling them. Anyone can tell people anything ... and people are necessarily cynical about such statements. My suggestion is rather than state this, is to do it (if only in words).

    You've been in business for 20 years. You've also been kind enough to respond. Two marks of the better author, by the way. So I'm going to take a risk and ask a few questions that may seem a little - well, nasty. Okay? Because whilst you're opening a center, the service is personal. My point in asking this is that you'll have references from clients that speak of the way you've handled them. This isn't to do with what you handled, but the character and your manner. Both are important if you are to stand out from the crowd. I know that you're going to be a small community, but there'll still be things that you can all agree on as being the manner of your approach.

    This is key to your tagline: because this is what will demonstrate to your potential customers that they need look no further. Rather than saying they've found the right place, the very words you use tells 'em straight. They won't need to think, they'll simply say "yes" and pick up the phone.

    Now my apologies for not supplying a tagline for you, it's almost midnight on this side of the Atlantic. If you can fill in a few of the gaps I've mentioned, I should be on better form in the morning. Tuesdays is good for me ;-) - okay, so they're not, but you needs an excuse don't you?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    So this is psychological counseling, right? Are you reluctant to say so (in the tagline) because you think it might turn off prospective clients? How do people know when they need psychological counseling? How do they describe what they are seeking?

    I have a sense that input from current clients would be helpful here. Are there some "code-words" that might resonate with them? I find "Professional Counselling & Referral Centre" so general that I wouldn't recognize who the target audience is or what benefit you offer. If you can't be more specific in the tagline, then I'm not sure what the tagline would do for you.

    How will clients find you or know you exist?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Don't focus on the process (i.e., referral service). Instead just go to the end result:

    "Guidance and Support When the Road Gets Rough"

    "A Bridge Over Troubled Water"

    "Light at the End of Your Tunnel"
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your Problems (Issues) Deserve The Right Guide
    Unlock Your Problems With Concierge Guidance
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Personal Guidance Through Challenging Times
    Pathways To The Right Solutions

    Perhaps some inspiration from these sayings:

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