
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A New Tagline For Real Estate Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a catchy tag line for a real estate company. The company is Premium Properties. The old one was "Real Solutions for your Real Estate Needs", but I'm just not loving it.....Any ideas or suggestions?
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Take a look at your business from the perspective of your clients. This simple trick is perhaps the least used - yet it's one of the most powerful when it comes to taglines.

    The other thing to consider is what your customers have said about your business to others. The reasons for recommending you are the reasons why someone should choose you. No doubt they'll include the standard stuff about what you do, where you do it and that sort of thing, this takes it a whole level deeper - there'll be one word that makes an otherwise dull tagline simply sparkle.

    Your job is to find it!

    Because you need to demonstrate what people get from your service. Not just "real solutions" but something more powerful? "Your Real estate needs solved by our hands on methods" (or somesuch)

    Does this lead you to some better ideas?
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think you can check latest real estate company slogan ads.It will help you to find best Tagline For Real Estate Company like Converting Transactions into Relationships and Creating real value in property and places
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Following Ellarich's idea - you could use it to spot the gaps! Much harder to do, still worthwhile.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What was missing for you from "Real Solutions for your Real Estate Needs"? What do you specialize in? What do your (prospective) clients think of your tagline (and what it means to them)?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Assuming this is mostly/all residential. High end is often aspirational...people picturing what they want their life to be. Fuel their excitement and help supercharge their dreams--with your premium properties.

    Premium Properties
    "High Octane Real Estate for Your Lifestyle"

    Premium Properties
    "Your High Octane Real Estate"

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