
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Technology & Internet Related Virtual Law Firm

Posted by Veslebert on 500 Points

I have been several days trying to find a name for the virtual collaborative law firm I´m about to create.

It will be specilised in technology, Internet, e-commerce and online reputation issues.

Although my initial idea for the name is a combination of the two worlds (Digital and Legal), I see that a)almost all the logical combinations are taken already; or b) I´m not thinking creatively enough. And I suspect the latter reason is the right one.

Combining the obvious words led me to nothing exciting: lex, legal, ius, net, digital, byte, bit and so on. So possibly the answer is something more imaginative.

So please help me with your ideas. Thanks in advance.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Hi there, and thanks for your kind words earlier.

    You have an ethereal connection with your lawyers, your "virtual collaborative law firm". So, let's kick off with "Hands across Cyberspace" as a theme.

    Brainstorming is fun, but needs to be concentrated on ... you. Only ... well ... this is more than just looking in the mirror, isn't it? I've been through this process and on my own it's taken me two years. Oh, and a certain Gentleman took up 18 of them ... the less said the better or I might bite.

    Now you've been in business long enough or you wouldn't even be thinking of doing this. Even if you've been doing something else, your character will still shine through. I use the references from my long closed interior decoration firm for my consultancy. The clients'll see the same person after all. Is there anything in from your previous incarnations that speak of what you do that's special? The sort of thing that would make a name that'll have you standing out from the crowd. My own "The Cat's Whiskers" came from a snipe from some jealous commenter - and I thought "that's a fair enough description" and ran with it, much to her annoyance!! ;-)

    You could be

    Digilegal Online

    Does this get you any further? It's late this side of the Atlantic, so if I don't respond before morning my apols.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    I had a similar assignment involving laws firms in Los Angeles targeting plaintiff side consumer "bad faith" insurance litigation. It was not an easy task even with a somewhat tightly define target audience.

    A few questions ..

    Regarding "technology, Internet, e-commerce and online reputation" cases, are you more focused on transactional law or litigation matters? Are you targeting individuals/small business owners or corporations? Are you targeting just Spain or more of Europe? Is there one powerful reason why you will be uniquely different/better than the other virtual firms that are targeting your same audience with the same legal services?

    These answers, and any other info you can provide, will make it much easier to brainstorm for a relevant name (and maybe tagline) solution.
  • Posted by Veslebert on Author

    To Moriarty: "Digilegal" is sadly taken already, and adding "online" will make it too long.

    To Steve: the idea is more transactional rather then Litigational. Targeted to individuals and medium businesses, being generalist law firms another type of customer for their own clients.The market will not be geographical but language-related: the Spanish-speaking one. Of course we will provide an English version in our website, but the first market will speak Spanish.

    Thanks to both for your reflections.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member is available
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Rather than being "creative" with a name, instead, why not be creative with the ways you message to people needing your services? To do this, look at the services being offered by similar legal companies in your niche for the key phrases that people are searching for?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Hi there, well it was late (she says pleading any and every excuse there is ... ) however I tried dialling it up, and returns a 404 - page does not exist on this server. If you're serious about the domain - you can try this sort of thing (digilegal isn't there, but it's an idea) is available - if you're Spanish in Spain (and not the Americas).

    Does this help any? My dinner's ready - so my apols for not sharing more thoughts right now. Since you've already responded, I'll await your thoughts and take it all from there. Cheers!

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    does "legalistas" sound too cheesy? It sort of sounds Spanish - and even if it's not correct, it might get you thinking about other possibilities.
  • Posted by Veslebert on Author
    Hi Moriarty

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Yes, "legalistas" does not sound professional enough. In fact, the word is used to refer to people who strictly follow the law word by word -something a lawyer does not, as his duty is to support the interest of the client. It is the judge´s duty to make sure the law is well respected.

    When looking for a domain, you know well that most companies get the .com, the local one (.es in my case) and often the .net domains. If one of the three is already taken, then it is not a good idea to get it. You may find problems in the future, specially if the company succeeds.

    So I´m still faced to the initial two possibilities: finding a good combination of the logical words or coming up with a whole new invented word. To give you an idea, I "created" the name "Netlex": it mixed perfectly the words net and lex. Well, the .com is taken... and also with double "t" (Nettlex) as "net" in German is written with two "t".

    I consider myself as a fairly creative person, but I recognise I´m stuck here. Not because I cannot find a good name, but because somebody brainstormed it and took it beforehand as a merchandise to sell.

    Again, thanks for the comments and also to Gary.


  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I wouldn't worry about getting stuck. I do it all the time - and the best remedy for me is digging my vegetable garden!! Still it can take a good few days before anything clicks. My current tagline on Linkedin is one such ... it just comes out as a garble!

    Legalistas was only me thinking barristas - if it has negative connotations, you'll be the one to know. I offered it more in the hope that something might go "ping" inside your head! Sometimes being silly has that effect ..

    The other issue about digilegal is that the current .com isn't being used at all -as far as I could see anyway. Perhaps you know more than I do? Anyway, if you don't want to pursue the idea, that's your choice. is available - but looked better in my mind's eye than on the screen ... sorry! The "1" is supposed to be an "L" ... in case you didn't spot it. Anyway it looks cheesy. Again, it might make something go ping.

    By the way, "nett" in German means "pretty" - I don't know how hot you are on the Germanic languages (I speak several). Only my Spanish extends to "dos" and "bier" ;-) and hoping they give me the right change! is available (.org is not - unusual for the org to be taken and not the .com! but there you go). Ring as in a ring of lawyers.

    That'll do for now. Have a sleep over it and we'll chat in the morning. Sweet dreams.

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted


    RedNetLegal / RedNetLaw




  • Posted by Veslebert on Author
    Hi Saul
    Thanks for the ideas. Maybe the names are a bit too long.

    Best regards,
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member is available.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    (9-11 characters so far - shorter gets harder for unique domain names)








  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The following domains are currently available, if interested:,, and
  • Posted by Veslebert on Author
    Thanks Jay

    The names are again a bit too long. And, as I´m targeting at least initially the Spanish-speaking market, including English words may not be the most coherent idea.

    Words like click, digital, virtual, bit, byte and other of the same kind could work as they are used worldwide, but "law" or "reputation" are only English.

    Thanks again anyway.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Unfortunately, I don't speak spanish, therefore I'm out.
  • Posted by Veslebert on Author
    HI all
    Thanks for the ideas and reflections. I finally found one name when walking back home.

    Best regards,
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    I'm glad something stirred! Believe me, walking is a wonderful way to get the brain working.

    when you have gotten everything legalized - please share it with us!

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