
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name/tagline Advice For Event Management Company

Posted by laurenjjennings on 250 Points
My friend and I are in the beginning stages of starting our own event management firm. My name is Lauren and her name is Michelle so we were thinking of naming it Lauren Michelle Event Management. This was our initial idea and then we played around with a few words to come up with something that did not include our names.... but have now reverted back to our names as this seems to be the most professional and concise answer. Is this a good idea?

When thinking of other names, we liked the words sense (somehow conveying that our events will appeal to the 5 senses), bliss, luxury, indelible, glamour and plush. Do these all sound generic? This was our initial thought but we are unsure.

In terms of taglines, we are stumped. Our company will specialize in weddings from concept to execution but we will also plan parties, corporate events and dinners. We can help coordinate throughout the entire planning process or just day of coordination. Any suggestions for names and/or taglines will be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Lauren Michelle is fine (just don't fall out) - Management for special occasions

    Swish Events - We make your swishes come true

    White Velvet Events - The best days of your life

    Sensuality Event Management - Experiences and events

    Let it be so Event Management - We make it happen

    Dreamdays Event Management - We make it come true
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Lauren Michell: Sumptuous Event Management
    Lauren Michell: Lavish Boston Events

    Unless you specialize in a type of event (or for a specific type of client), it's assumed you can "do it all" - and that'll make positioning your new business harder (since your competition can make similar claims).
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    The majority of your potential customers are looking for a competent service to help them with a stressful task. There may be some business value in not getting too clever with a tagline. Explanatory (simple, reassuring) could be good:

    "Wedding Design and Event Planning"

    I've no real name ideas yet.
    For too tricky, here's an example for your business name- Elemiem
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    As msteffes says, people are looking for competence. That means up front simplicity. Everything you do needs to ooze reassurance and capability.

    I see nothing wrong with "Lauren Michelle Event management" (maybe with an "&" ??). It's simple, direct and people are going to know exactly what they're going to get.


    - Solid support for your event [dull!]
    - supporting you in planning your special day
    - all the support you need for your special day

    They're not sparkling, they'll sparkle when someone realizes just how truthful they are when they've spoken to you.
  • Posted on Member
    I think you can post slogan event for your information.

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