
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tagline For Natural Bath Products Company

Posted by jekelund on 250 Points
We have a natural bath and body products company selling lotions, washes, crèmes etc via retail stores. We're re-doing our packaging and need a strong tagline that communicates our natural positioning. Some we've tossed around:
Inspired by Nature
As Nature Intended
Infused with Nature

Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of your company?
    Who's your target audience?
    What makes your products special/different? "Natural" these days can mean pretty much anything...
  • Posted by jekelund on Author
    Additional information:
    1. Our target audience is women 25-65 that use bath & body products -- they may or may not be using natural products but have an awareness of them
    2. “Natural” means no parabens, phthalates, SLS/SLES, Petrochemicals or Artificial Dyes.
    3. Our positioning is “A natural bath & body line supporting women’s health”. We support women’s health in two ways: a) Natural formulation strategy; and b) A generous “give-back” program to a women’s health organization
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Express your true nature, naturally.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Cares for you, cares for the environment

    As concerned about what you put on your skin, as what you put into the earth

    Beauty. Naturally.

    Naturally kind and gentle to your skin

    Nurtures your skin and your planet

    Nature's nurturing for your skin

    Chemical-free Body Care

    The murmur of the forest captured for your skin
    The soft meadow breeze captured for your skin
    The bloom of wild flowers captured for your skin...
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Well, I'm directly in your target group (allowing for geography, that is). Because I use natural shampoos and soaps - all of which are made locally and I know for certain the soap doesn't have a tagline. It's just ... soap and it smells wonderful.

    The natural truth
    Truth is natural
    No toxins
    non toxic [I know those aren't exactly pretty, but they are a statement of fact - you might want to add it on the back? The soap I use could be eaten ... it wouldn't harm you - but then I don't go around eating soap very often]
    Nature's own
    Nature's Breath
    Nature's goodness [yawn]
    Natural nurturing [thanks, Saul]

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    When it's accompanied by terms such as parabens, phthalates, SLS/SLES, and petrochemicals, to most consumers the word "natural" is meaningless. All those scientific and technical terms either dilute or completely obscure your natural roots.

    You cannot assume that people will know what parabens, phthalates, and the like are, let alone what they do, or potentially how harmful they may be. Nor can you assume that people will know which women's health cause you support.

    You must make a stand and take time to educate your customers about your ingredients AND about the cause you support. By dint of these central and highly visible parts in your overall positioning strategy this educational process and focus on your part will then become a common cause for buyers to rally around. Every one of your messages then connects to these central pillars.

    As such your stance here will be the message platform that sets your company apart from your competitors. Expecting people to know what these ingredients or causes are or expecting them to look it up for themselves isn't enough.

    It's up to you to show your current customers and your potential customers what these things are and why your products, by virtue of you not using these things, and by virtue of you supporting these causes are better for the community and better for the environment as a result.

    Similarly, the tag lines you've come up with thus far speak about you and about your aspirations. Really, they need to be speaking to the compulsions, wants, aspirations, and desired outcomes of the people most likely to buy from you.

    As an entity "nature" is too much of an abstract for any business to claim to be inspired by it or infused with it. Likewise the use (and abuse) of the term "all natural".

    If you're supporting women's health, be bold about telling customers WHICH cause you support and why. THIS is part of the high ground on which to plant your colors and around which to build part of your message. If the organization you give to is local to you and if the same applies to most of your stores and sales, be sure to trumpet your connection to this cause from the rooftops.

    The ABC Beauty Store: Using Natural Ingredients, Giving Back To (Insert Specific Women's Health Issue).

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