
Topic: Taglines/Names


Posted by anirban.munshi on 250 Points

I need a tagline for a fragrance company who manufacture fragrance and raw materials for fragrances. There target audience are B2B clients. Please help.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    A tagline when done well is like a perfume, and is a delicate balance of ingredients. The effect is as subtle as perfume, it is as powerful as a well aimed sledgehammer.

    As importantly, your business customers are still humans - with one important difference: their hands may be tied by the business they work for. That can interfere with the proper running of their purchasing departments - and that could affect you.

    Since I do not know the ins and outs of your particular situation, I'd like to clarify my position on taglines. I'm assuming that you want a genuine tagline and not just something bland that appeals to your board of directors*.

    A good tagline will motivate buyers, even if their hands are tied in the manner mentioned. You can still gain their confidence having gained their attention. Sales always come later.

    The Small Print:
    1) Why would someone buy from you
    2) What motivates their purchase
    3) Where are you based and where are they?
    4) What are they telling their colleagues about you when referring you?

    Taglines (without the above these will be weak, bland and easily knocked off by your competition).

    Supplying you with fragrant needs
    A garden of perfume requirements
    Supplying the perfume industry
    Raw materials for the perfume industry

    (*please remember who's buying! Was it Ogilvy who said to the CEO of Coca-Cola "if you want to run ads you like, then please be responsible for buying three billion bottles of Cola instead of your customers" - whoever it was who said it, knew that the ad must speak to customers and not just keep the directors amused. Taglines are about real economics, and should be treated with respect).

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    "Intriguing fragrances and high quality oils"

    "Intriguing fragrances and quality ingredients"

    You could also substitute Designer fragrances into either, but that thought may not be as popular as it has been a few years ago.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Also: What's the name of the company? Located where? Selling to B2B where? What makes your offerings unique?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    The essence of fragrance

    Olorfactory Fragrance supply

    Fragomatrix - The fragrance supply network

    Pong pinging worldwide

    Scent Sense Unbound

    We deliver the smell of success

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why do you feel you need a tagline? What do you want to communicate?

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