
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For My Handmade Crafts And Accessory Shop

Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on 250 Points
I design handmade fabric crafts and accessories. I would like to open a shop on Indiemade Craft Marketplace.

I need help with a name for the shop and a tagline. I thought of using my own name and decided against.

I love working with recycled denim fabrics for creating my wall art and some accessories.

Any ideas in naming my soon to be shop along with a tagline would be very appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Is denim an important focus of your work (so that you might want to reference it in your name)?
    Who is likely to want to purchase from you? What about your crafts excite them? What's unique/special?
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    It really isn't necessary I use Denim in my shop's name. I work with many different kinds of fabrics in my handmade one of a kind creations. I'll keep my options open in coming up with a name and tagline for my textile wall art, and gifts and accessories. My main focus is coming up with a name and tagline for my handmade craft shop.

    Thank you,
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Needlesharp Designs

    Pins and Things

    Bluejean Crafts

    Threaded Art


  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Saul,

    These are nice names any other suggestions, before deciding on a name?

    Thank you,
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Uniquely Yours
    Fabric Whimsy
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What are the criteria you're using to evaluate name suggestions? Which of Saul's suggestions do you think are "nicest" and why? What makes a name "nice" for you? (Is "nice" good or bad?)
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    The purpose of the name is to represent all things hand made and crafted using many different fabrics and original designs. What I meant by saying nice name, for instance Threaded Art, it's catchy, easy , and what comes to mind is fabric ,art, handmade crafts.

    I love unique handmade crafts and so does many others. The name would encourage me to checkout the site. Threaded Art was my first choice. Except the domain name is taken. I need a name and tagline that speaks handmade fabric art , crafts accessories.

    I hope , I've explained the reasons why I need a crafty name that will encourages people to take a look at my shop.


  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Hi there, firstly, Saul D is wonderful at names and taglines. I was very lonely before he came along!!

    This is my attempt. This takes the theme of sawn-off jeans, and suchlike.

    Stonewashed styles
    Cut & torn fashions
    Patchwork from jeans
    Patches and jeans
    501 Fashions [do you remember THAT ad??]

    That'll do for a start. Let's have some feedback and see what you like (or don't!) - this is me just dipping my toe in the swimming pool to see how warm it is.
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi, Moriarity,

    The names makes ne think of denim jeans, and not much else. I do remember an ad for 501 jeans.
    Let's try a few more names for a broader perspective on handmade crafts. My shop offer's a wide variety of hand made crafts so the name should say as much and more . It will include other sewing/artist's work as well on the website.

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Gemma/Moriaty thank you for the kind words.

    Thimble Craft

    Snippety Snips / Sniptures


    Sewn Canvas

    Picture Weaver


    I Paint with Thread

    Collage Studio

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Saul, it was heartfelt! Your appearance is a balm.

    Let's dive in

    Needle & Thread

    Two dimensional clothing [yuk]

    Sculpted Canvas [thanks, S]

    Fabric 3D

    On a more crafty basis ...

    A Cotton Anvil [ it's crafty, isn't it?? okay, so the wrong direction ... ]

    Thread Smithing

    Fabric Smithing

    The Thread Smithy

    The Fabric Smithy


    Mix 'n Match (TM). Are these any better, do they inspire images that you can form other words around that are more in tune with your needs?

  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Saul and Moriarty,
    Can we try a few more names and we'll see.



  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member

    Ragtime Decor

    Tactile Pictures

    Pictures in Fabric

    Fabric to Frame

    Yarntwister Art

    Cut&Sew Designs

  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Saul,

    Can you please think of a few more names. The type of handmade item and accessories will be hand made quilts, wall hangings, mother and daughter aprons with monograms , tie dyed scarves, raw silk jackets with embellishing , bean bag cushions and occasional items such as Christmas skirts and more.

    The names are okay, and I will use this list of names and asks others opinion before deciding. I just haven't heard a name I'm totally satisfied with. ...Please try again I would really need a name I can live with.

    Thank you, so much,

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    It's unlikely we'll get it perfect here if we're lucky we can close enough for you to get a spark for instance by combining one or two ideas. So if nothing is inspiring you, then maybe this isn't the right direction? A name from your location or hometown, a portmanteau name (Patsews), a childhood nickname or just an object you like might fit better.



    Nimblers / Nimble Fingers

    Weft Work

    Pliquay Crafts


  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Saul,
    Thank you, we will play around with the names and see what we can come up with. I'd like to Thank, Moriarty as well.

    Best regards,
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    One thought - your name and especially your tagline aren't for you. They're for your customers. It needs to speak to them, not anyone else. Whatever you do, run your choices past a few of your customers, see what they say. And do include one you don't like.

    I'm an online marketer, and my skill is in finding out such things - and of course, I do this for myself too. I had four images for my latest campaign - and the one I thought would do best came second. The one I thought would be worst ... came first. The lesson to learn is that no one person knows the answer - but a crowd when asked carefully will tell you a truth that's stranger than fiction itself.

    I have to say Saul's excelled himself! A stunning array of brilliance.

    I'd like to add one last name, and as ever it's pinched from someone else. I'll not tell you his name though, he's my secret weapon. How about ...

    "Thimble fingers" ;-)

    I wish you the best in business. By the sounds of it, you don't need luck.

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