
Topic: Taglines/Names

Marketing Support Business Name, We're Stuck.

Posted by Anonymous on 80 Points
Our challenge is to develop a name & tag line which succinctly communicates who we are, why a business would want to engage us, and what our brand stands for. We are a bunch of "left-brainers" who support the (sometimes) crazy ideas of another bunch of "right-brainers."

This is a company that provides many forms of support to marketing agencies/in-house departments. A "Marketing Support Solutions" business. Way too vague.

We are a B2B company that provides products and services necessary for an agency or in-house marketing department to successfully execute a marketing plan and strategy for their customer. All services are provided 100% by us in-house. We have customers with annual revenues of $10MM, $500MM, and parts of Conagra Foods in the several $B annually.

We provide high-end studio photography, including food styling, building sets, supply models & props, re-touching, proofing, image asset management; a few different digital printing services; various types of trade show displays; order fulfillment; hand assembly; promotional items; mass mailing; etc.

The white space (I think) is that we are the ONLY company in Southern California that has all services completely in-house, under 1 roof. I have researched this to death over the last few years.

To clarify, the outside marketing agencies or the client side groups develop the plans, and most if not all of the strategies. Their creatives handle the design everything to final art.

This is exactly the target audience who would be considering us as an outsource supplier. We are marketing TO them as a source to manage & execute any part of, or the entire marketing initiative for their customer; a "1-off" or a complete campaign for its duration.

Thank you for reading so much of an explanation, but I tell you, we are having a terrible time trying to sort this out.

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  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    The Implementors

    Action! - we make your marketing happen

    Frankenstein's / Frankie Stein - bring monster marketing to life

    NutsWithBolts - putting your marketing strategy into action

    The Session Guys - the best backing group for your marketing plans

    Hammertime - Put that plan into action

    DeepResources - Services for marketers

    Silverhorse / TrustySteeds - Where's a marketing hero without their trusty steed?

    The Galleyslaves - because someone's got to row

    The Antsnest - Working for our marketing queens

    Ticktock Marketing Resources - Marketing execution that runs like clockwork

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    The Marketing Shop
    "Complete nuts and bolts execution of your Marketing plan"
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Saul & Mike! Some cool suggestions to oil the seized-up mind.

    I'm feeling an "urgency" component to the naming now, thanks to your Ticktock suggestion Saul.There is a lot we can do with urgency, ticktock, etc.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Now when someone says they're stuck it means one thing - you need to look at your business from the point of view of your customers. Which isn't easy ... but there are shortcuts. Firstly, what are current customers saying to others when recommending you - and secondly (and a little more dangerously) what have you done in the last year that got you (or your business) into some kind of trouble.

    I'll explain - (1) when customers recommend you to others they're telling people about your strengths.
    (2) this is your strength seen from the wrong angle - turn it around (as it were) and you'll have another view of the things that people are talking about in (1).

    Another thought is what urgency do your customers have when they need your services? Answer that and tie that in with the previous ideas and you've got a foundation for a strategy - that's because you now have some definite focus on the things you do.

    For taglines I'm not on form tonight - but I'll still have a go. I happen to like Saul's "Session Guys"

    Encompass Marketing - everything's gathered together here.

    Compass Marketing Services - from East to West, it's all here.

    RingBinder Marketing - the only one stop marketing shop in S. California. [wordy, but you get the idea]

    That'll do for now.

    As an aside, welcome to the score-board, Mr Dobney. You're at #23 (or thereabouts).
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all VERY much. We are going to nail this subject this week.

    That is exactly what we are doing Mariarty---Talking to some current customers to get their honest appraisals---like it or not.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Good stuff, Steve!

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