
Topic: Taglines/Names

Event For Arts And Small Business Engagement

Posted by kape on 250 Points
I need a great name for an event that builds bridges between local arts organisations and small to medium business.
I want the event to be funded by Fed., State and local governments, foundations and corporate sponsors.

It is about building bridges between less business savvy arts organisers and business in the area who will benefit from linkages with arts and entertainment orgs.
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  • Posted by kape on Author
    I am keen to hear great ideas
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    So, your idea is to build bridges between less arts savvy business people and less business savvy arts people. Funded by everything and anyone with any money to spend.

    What sorts of benefits do you see for the participants? Maybe the name could somehow hint of the rewards each group could hope to receive. Otherwise, the upside to participation may not immediately be clear.
  • Posted by kape on Author
    Thank you MIke, I agree I need to find a more direct let me focus it a little, I want to convince one financial institution to link to it, I think I can get foundations and have got govt. This institution does not want awareness, it has that, it wants customers to its franchises in the city's Inner West. The arts orgs all belong to the inner west.
    One idea is: Path to growth: culture and business in Melbourne’s West.

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Good, now that info helps.

    "Path to growth" seems okay but the second part needs work.
    Maybe something like- Arts prosperity and business success in Melbourne's West.

    I'm out for a few hours.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If this is an event, can you describe who (specifically) you want to attend, why they would, when, and how this fits in with your bridges goal?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Silk Ribbons - linking arts and business for mutual success

    Parallel Roads - arts and business in a shared direction

    Honeybee Event - cross-fertilizating ideas from business and the arts

    The Cultured Society - nurturing links between business and the arts

    Crucible of Growth - blending art and business for success

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