
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Branding Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi there,

We are starting a brand new Branding and Marketing company in South Africa. We will primarily brand and market companies for/on social media websites.

We have been in business for years and as business partners we are bringing together all of our expertise, being branding, marketing, it consulting, social media integration and online marketing...

We are looking for a funky name. Friends of ours started this branding company called "NV My Brand" which has worked very well for them in South Africa,

We thought about ViralAuthority, but what do you think?

Thanks a lot :-)
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since you're in the business - what steps would you advise your clients about the naming process? Have you drawn up a creative brief and/or created a marketing plan - if so, share some of the details with us.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I'd like to take this in a slightly different direction - and my apologies if this is brusque, but you're South African and should be able to take it. Coz, I's too. OK?

    Now, your services are pretty general. That means your claim to fame is then more the personality of the business rather than your actual activities. In such a case the client should include at least one negative review, at least one that's genuine and points to a genuine weakness. This is mandatory for my higher level services, by the way! Now you've been in the biz for long enough and you should know that there are things you cannot do so well - and the importance of this is that when turned to their diametric opposite, clearly show your strengths. This is often the key to discovering the things that your customers truly value in the services you cover.

    Are you with me so far? My point is that it's intensely frustrating to determine these things for yourself, and customer reviews are usually the key to shining a light on them. They will of necessity be "details" but they will be the small hinge that swings a big door. As importantly they will characterize your entire business.

    Personally I have no problem with ViralAuthority; however it doesn't speak to the other elements of your business - the off-line elements that are crucial for many small businesses. That's not to downplay the social media side, and I know of several businesses that have built their custom from Facebook/Twitter interactions (and I know of several more who could pull themselves out of the mire were they to do anything sensible in this direction - they will remain nameless and unprofitable). The point is that they've got sensible social media activities that are driving real brick and mortar businesses and the things they've learned from these activities have made their offline advertising extremely effective.

    What are your thoughts on this? I'm more than capable of coming up with a stream of ideas, but it's gone midnight for us (I'm in Europe and our timezones are pretty similar - I can't remember exactly as I haven't spoken to my father since the clocks changed!)

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Probably just me, but ViralAuthority is too easily turned into Viral Infection, or sounds like a doctor.

    Contagious (Marketing)



    Esteem (S-Team) Branding

  • Posted on Author
    Hey guys, Thanks for the assistance thus far...I appreciate it. Something which I should have mentioned earlier is that I am the "Web Developer" and Social Media Expert within our new company, hence my "social media-type name suggestion". We are basically bringing together our expertise in the areas of Branding, Marketing, Web Development (and Social Media)...

    We are getting together on Wednesday to discuss "new name ideas" and our "Strategy" going forward (as Jay suggested), but I thought that it would be great if I could already come up with a name and a concept so we can add our own twist to it and include a little bit of South African flavour ;-)

    It's good that you point out the association with the word "viral" - I guess we as South Africans don't really use that word that much outside of "viral marketing". But we do want to attract international business within the next year.

    I actually thought about having a name, that almost includes a "call to action" or something creating that need or desire to use our services. This why I think "EnvyMyBrand" has been so successful in South Africa. Obviousely I cannot use that name, but something similar would be AWESOME ;-)

    Thanks for the assistance and ideas. I really appreciate you guys!

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