
Topic: Taglines/Names

Theme For Launching Hotel New Extension

Posted by yola.duapadang on 125 Points
Hi everyone.. our hotel is about to finish the extension project of adding more room, with more supporting facilities. And we are going to make a small opening party for our partners, such as media, travel agent and corporate. Since our hotel tag line is healthy life style with orange, green and white colors, and our market is more to be business or transit hotel (located next to the airport). Now we are quiet confuse to choose the theme for the opening event (we used reborn at our 10th anniversary)and at the event we will show the short movie about our hotel and external location from the past till present. Thanks all, i do appreciate for your advise
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Growing Healthier
    Bigger and Better Life Style
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    New blooms - tulips and marigolds, spring freshness, and flowers opening

    Balloons and bubbles night - for our expansion

    Grandeur / Grand Evening - tails and top hats, grand pianos with the great and the good

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    To my mind the theme needs to express the fact that people who are travelling through will find everything they need. I have travelled extensively, and a good hotel where you can relax has real advantages.

    So how about your theme being "Relax" and you can take everything from that point. It's not very exciting, but a hotel isn't the kind of place where people come for excitement. Especially after a 12 hr flight from Europe.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    You've used Reborn, so now how about Growth?
    Growth flows naturally from a healthy lifestyle, and your partners should appreciate you growing.
    After your extension project, a theme of Growth seems to just naturally flow.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    What country are you in? With the airport seemingly the key, business and transit your consumer; why not them the grand event around your our own unique domestic peoples and environment.

    If done correctly, may carry over outside your country

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