
Topic: Taglines/Names

Product Name For Infographic Of The Month

Posted by sb on 500 Points
Hi we need a cleaver name of a digital subscription product that will send a tabloid-sized infographic to our subscribers each month digitally.

Key Industry Words: Arbitrage, Financier, Capital, Commercial, Real Estate,

These infographics describe commercial real estate finance and capital raising concepts that are distilled into an easy to understand format. Here are some of the main takeaways:

- Easy to understand, step-by-step instructions coupled with intelligent, visually laid out graphic design allow you to realize profits faster and consistently.

- Infographics can be downloaded to your smartphone or tablets for portability and convenience.
Large, easy-to-read fonts and text colors allow you to quickly scan over and easily retain content.

- Every file is downloadable. No restrictions!

- Create your own library and store these infographics permanently for reference later

- Every infographic comes in PDF format, ready to print on demand.

Thank you kindly in advance for reading this.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Tell us about your target audience. Where? What's in it for them? Who/what else competes for their attention (i.e., your "competition")?

    What is the BENEFIT of your offering? (You've listed features, but no benefit.) How will your target audience FEEL about this? How will their lives be better/enriched?
  • Posted by sb on Author
    Thank you for your questions and thoughtfulness here. I will answer them as best – and as frankly -as I can.

    1. Audience:
    These are folks who have been buying real estate courses before who long for more specialized, sophisticated, closely held Wall Street deal structuring secrets.
    They are tired of spending thousands of dollars on products that are mostly air with over-hyped promises, triple-spaced in size 18 font. These graphics, buy their aesthetics should able to differentiate this from the rest.

    2. Our competition are the folks we mentioned above, they have products, but no businesses (read: no customer support).
    Also, most of our competitors have “stories”. They were broke, took a pill, and woke up rich. Our team’s founders have a Wall Street pedigree in real estate finance and actually have run funds or still do. Our infographics, as a first line in the funnel, is meant to show we’re serious about the quality of the content we bring which is fresh, not widely known, and can get folks to where they need to be for meaningful wealth creation faster. Financial ignorance is rampant today.

    3. Having access to this “infographic-of-the-month-club” will enrich the customer’s understanding, in easy to understand terms that will allow them to understand deals and other opportunities that they may never have been able to identify without being able to reference these core commercial real estate and fund raising concepts. They will have prestige, they will be able to speak to the grownups in the industry with a straight face, confidently and get better deal flow. They will be able to use those sexy cocktail terms that the big players use and not sound foolish or get laughed at behind their backs. It will also allow them to audit parts of the industry to see if this is where they want to be and know enough to be dangerous so when the opportunity does present its self, they will be able to get involved into deal that they would never be able to get into on their own.

    In short, it forces them to look at their business as not being a hobby, but as a legitimate profession in a world where there are a lot of wanna-be’s.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You are selling information that people can use to make money and/or create a legitimate career for themselves. Since there is already an overabundance of money-making instruction (some legitimate, some not-so-legitimate) why not focus on the "rewarding career" benefit. The fact that you deliver it in infographic format is really a secondary feature.

    I'd focus on the payoff -- being a respected professional in the exciting world of real estate. If you make it sound like too much fun/too easy, your audience will see you as one of the get-rich-quick hucksters -- a comic book approach.
  • Posted by sb on Author
    @mgoodman thank you for your thoughtful feedback.

    I was thinking of a clever name for this. For example, our blog when it is released is called The Term Sheet, this is a sheet of commitment from a lender to fund a deal.

    Does this make sense?

    Thank you again .
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Re: Term Sheet

    It depends on how familiar your target audience is with the term. If they find it meaningless, then it probably isn't the best. That's why it's so important to really define the target audience as precisely as you can. You already know too much, so you are probably not the best person to determine if the name is OK or not.
  • Posted by sb on Author

    Thanks for this.

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