
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For Cancer Wellness Centre Brochure

Posted by serenachenoy on 250 Points
Hi! I am redoing a tri-fold brochure for a nonprofit cancer wellness centre. We provide FREE programs and services to people living with cancer (i.e. yoga, reiki, support groups, nutritional cooking, art therapy, etc.). I am looking for a short enticing tagline to get people (who have or know someone with cancer) to want to grab this pamphlet. Our graphic designer is working on the visuals but i've worked on this for a while and am having a brain freeze. I like the KISS principal. Unfortunately, most of these types of brochures say the typical "we offer support" or "we can help you survive"... Our centre offers psychosocial support meaning Medical professionals treat the cancer and we help people with the emotional, physical and spiritual challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. Our centre is open during the day and participants (i.e. cancer patients) register here to use our programs and services. We help empower them through this difficult time and help them live well while living with cancer. Can you guys help me?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Got Cancer?
    We Can Help!

    Cancer Got You Down?

    Who Cares About Your Cancer?

    We're Not Afraid Of Cancer!
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    "How to Live Strong, with cancer."
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Care with a capital C

    Living support for cancer sufferers

    Rise above cancer

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Making cancer bearable
    Cancer's awful, we help you cope
    Coping with Cancer
  • Posted by serenachenoy on Author
    Thank you all sooo much! Working at a non profit means I don't have a marketing team to brainstorm with and I miss that. There are some good ones here!! I'd like to wait a couple of more days before I close the question.

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