
Topic: Taglines/Names

Handmade Arts & Crafts Shop Name

Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on 50 Points
I need help with a name for an online handmade textured arts and crafts shop. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Who is your primary target audience? How are they going to learn you exist? Why should they consider buying from you? What's unique about your business?

    Do you have a rough marketing/business plan? If so, can you share it with us? If not, that's where you need to start. The name should follow from the marketing plan, not the other way around.
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    I'm an established business owner specializing in all aspects of custom sewing for a specific clientele. We are known in the community and throughout for dressmaking and sewing of all kinds.

    We also engage in social media on several platforms and have gained a large following for a targeted market. The handmade side started as a hobby I and my assistant enjoy outside of custom sewing for our clients.

    The hobby has developed in a large inventory of handmade wall art, home décor, wearable art, aprons and accessories. I have several pieces of wall art, home décor, wearable art, aprons and accessories hanging around my (other sewing business) in which some item do not belong and have attracted attention from my clients who have come in for a fitting or for other work, and have made a purchase.

    It's okay, except it should be separated from my other sew biz. I'm using my other sewing business name labels on the handmade items for now and would like to use another name and label for handmade business

    I'll continue to selling the handmade item to whoever notices and want to purchase one. Otherwise I do not promote them to my clients who came in for another purpose. I prefer to keep it separate and get noticed at the same time and they are. I plan to move them to a separate room and sell directly to the public and a website, ecommerce online store.

    I've had an online ecommerce store in the past and am familiar with the work involved. All of our handmade items have been photographed, inventoried, tagged and ready for sale. We will accept paypal and other credit cards online.

    We do not have time to attend arts and crafts shows and thought this would be a great way to start. My plan is to use business cards, flyer's to promote locally and use social media as a way to market and brand the handmade business.

    My primary targeted audience would be housewives, kids, singles, women, men, teens and college students.

    What makes our product unique and original is the comments and praise we have received when a customer who came in for custom tailoring decides to purchase an handmade item for a family member as well.

    Again I want to sell them, under a different name and in another room, in which we are working on.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    OK. I think I get it.

    Is there anyone who is not in your primary target audience? "Housewives, kids, singles, women, men, teens and college students" includes almost 7 billion people. Maybe we can narrow that down a little?

    Is there any common theme that would define/describe your handmade items? How would you describe them other than "handmade?"

  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    If you think it should be narrowed down, perhaps in the 5-45 year age group, women, men and kids is fine.

    I've used recycled denim jean fabric and their pockets to create unique one of a kind wall hangings with a hand pieced quilted border stitched by machine. Some of our items are hand stitched, embroidered using silks, as a fabric for my wearable art. I'm currently work on floor cushions(bean bag style) using denim fabric and my pattern. I work with many different fabrics, it depends on the idea.

    If I were to define our products, I would describe them as whimsical, fun, colorful, comfortable, versatile and unique.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    We're down to about 3 billion now.

    How about "gift-givers who shop online in the United States?"

    The narrower the target audience, the better your chances of success.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Clothing that appeals to a 10 year old or to a 15 year old, to a 20 year old, and so on, up the chain to 45-year old buyers is going to vary massively. Likewise, and in reality, the buying power of 5 year olds is minimal. Niche down further. Then slice it even thinner.
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi , mgoodman & Gary B.,
    You are correct in your assessment , most who have purchased from us was either a parent or grandmother and it was usually for gift giving. I'll need your advise on it narrowing down further.

    I'd like to sell international at some point, since we will be marketing and promoting on social media.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Start very small, so your advertising can be VERY SPECIFICALLY targeted to the individual buyer. You can do all your experimenting, or testing, at low cost and with low risk. When you find something that works, you can then expand it with some confidence that you'll be on target.

    How about something like "Yankee Denim Gifts?" It's OK if some items are not actually denim, or if some customers are not from the Northeast. Advertise just in Massachusetts at first, then expand to New England, etc. You get the idea.
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Yes, I get the idea, I also had the same thoughts on marketing in my community and the surrounding areas. I like the name very much, if you have a few more to throw my way before deciding on a name would be fine. Do you think I need a tagline?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    We've produced quite a lot of name suggestions for you in the past. What are you currently using, and what of all the previous suggestions gets closest to what you're looking for?
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Yes, in the past this forum has come up with many names one in particular is (New England Custom Equestrian- Perfectly Tailored Riding Apparel). We are marketing and promoting this business .

    My other business was started in 2006, this name was already in place. ( Sew At Seams Custom Tailoring & Alterations. I will use Yankee Denim Gifts for the arts and crafts side business. It's perfect for the type of business it is.

    Many ,thanks to everyone, on this forum , especially m. goodman.,

    All the best,


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