
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Software Company

Posted by Anonymous on 1500 Points
I need a new name for my tax software company. I have national tax software company whom I sell a national tax software to tax professionals and tax companies to use to prepare and transmit their clients Federal and State taxes.
I need a great name, to have a great logo designed and to be able to build a brand.
My clients will be tax professionals and tax companies throughout the US.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This sounds like an important project. You need to position yourself with a very specific target audience, and it all starts with the name.

    What we need to understand is the important and unique benefit you deliver for that target audience. Why should they turn to your software when there are so many competitors? What makes you different from, and better than, the competition? Focus not so much on features, but on the core positioning benefit for your target audience.

    You may want to consider hiring a naming expert for this, so you get focused attention and positioning expertise that will be all but impossible for us to provide on this forum. We'll give you some ideas, I'm sure, but the chances we'll actually come up with a true winner in a few days, with short responses, are pretty slim.

    There are several experts here who do this kind of work. Perhaps you can look through the profiles of some of the top experts and see if one seems right for your needs. Or contact me directly (using the email address in my profile) and I'll suggest a few for your consideration.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member




  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Bank-It Tax Prep

    [With a better font it could lose the hyphen. There's all kinds of safe, secure, solid logo-->brand possibilities.]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Not Taxing
  • Posted by tcgren on Member
    ZenTax - thinking ahead of the IRS
    BrassTax - getting down to it

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