
Topic: Taglines/Names

Granola Business Name

Posted by vivicubilla on 250 Points
Hello, I am purchasing a small granola business (the granola is gluten-free and vegan). The name of the company is Courser Farm Kitchen. I am trying to come up with a new name, but am having a hard time! I don't want the word "granola" in the name, in case I decide to add other products. I do kind of like the word "kitchen". I'm struggling to decide whether I want more of a classy, serious name, or something more on the catchy side. I think something catchy can help a business succeed (example Bear Naked granola, what a great name!) but I don't want it to sound cheesy either. I thought the word "Krunch" or "Krunchy" could work but not sure what else to add to that. I would really appreciate any tips or suggestions! Thank you!! Vivian
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you don't want granola in the name, you probably also don't want crunchy in the name either - since you want room to grow.

    If you'll still be keeping the business in NH, selling to a regional audience, then why not capitalize on your region: Live Free! Foods or White Mountain Kitchen?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Trying to figure out what your vision is for the business, as that should guide the naming. Is there a compelling reason to change the name? It's been around for a while, and it doesn't limit you to just granola, so do you have the option to keep it? Apparently CFK has decent local retail distribution and presumably a good reputation with a base of consumers.

    If you really do need to change the name, I'm sure we can come up with some good alternatives. But often it's a better to keep a name that has some consumer awareness and brand loyalty.
  • Posted by vivicubilla on Author
    mgoodman, thanks so much for your response. Yes I do have to change the name, as Courser is the family name and they sell other products at their farm. I am allowed to keep the name for up to a year though, then I have to change it. I will keep the name for a little while, for brand recognition purposes and then I will transition into re-branding. I would like the LLC name to be the same as my future brand name (even though I know the LLC name can be different, but I'd like to keep it consistent) which is why I want to come up with a name now. Thanks for your help :)
  • Posted by vivicubilla on Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth, great suggestions, thanks! I like the Live Free! part, not sure about Foods, as that implies other types of foods offered, and I am just concentrating on granola (I probably won't introduce any new products in the first couple of years). I want to add a tag line with the name granola in it, I might keep CFK's tagline which is: Granola with taste!
    White Mountain Kitchen is a good one too, I will keep your suggestions in mind. I also have to check if the name is available in my state and also if the domain names are available. Thank you!!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I too like Jay's approach ... tapping into the New Hampshire heritage. You actually have an opportunity to use both of his ideas by branding not only the company but also the granola product. So an example would be:

    Live Free! Granola
    From White Mountain Kitchens

    When you are ready to launch additional products you can either continue the pattern (e.g., Birch Tree Gorp From White Mountain Kitchens, etc.) or simply use the company name.

    I'm not at all surprised Jay came up with a great solution. He often does.
  • Posted by vivicubilla on Author
    mgoodman, great suggestions!! I will give it all some thought, it's so hard to decide! You both were a great help, THANK YOU!
  • Posted by vivicubilla on Author
    I tried to accept all responses, but it's not letting me..can I only accept one response?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Cluster Oats / Oat Clusters

    Oat Hearts / Heart of Oat


    Hunter's cereals

    Gola breakfasts - a kickin' start to the day


    Wakups - start the day in top gear
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator

    Don't worry about the acceptance thing. This isn't about the points. Let me know if I can be helpful as you take on this new challenge.
  • Posted by vivicubilla on Author
    Thanks Saul! Appreciate the suggestions.

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