
Topic: Taglines/Names

Trying To Finalize Name For Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all,

I was on here a while ago and got some great advice, my children meant I had to shelve it but I'm back and rolling along.

I am doing a golf fitness website launching in may.

I would like to have the words fit, golf, and swing in the name.

I was given onefitgolfer as a suggestion which I extended to onefitgolfswing.

other options are


Any suggestion as to preference would be very welcome, i will pick the most compelling reason why you choose that one. Also open to other suggestions which could also be chosen.

thanks very much for your time and effort.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think it's a mistake to replace "golfer" with "golfswing." "Golfer" is a bigger idea, and something to which a lot of folks aspire and with which they identify. The golf "swing" is just a part of being a good/fit golfer, and makes it sound like you're selling clubs.

    Net: I vote for

    You could test this pretty quickly by running a series of Adwords campaigns, with all the ads the same except for the name. You might find that the CTR for one name is significantly greater than the CTR for the others. We've done this kind of test for name preference before, and every time we've been very glad we did. It's fast and relatively inexpensive ... and it could save you from picking the wrong name!

    (If you need help with the test, let me know.)
  • Posted by tcgren on Accepted
    I agree with Goodman!
    Keep this to the simpler and easier to remember name set. Golfing already implies swing so it's duplicative. OneFitGolder rolls off the tongue quite easily and already gives a clear vision.
  • Posted on Author
    HI thanks for thr reply, I agree that onefitgolfer sounds a lot better.

    I wonder though would people think it is more about me only and not something for their benefit, would thefitgolfer be more appropriate? if i saw a site called onehotcar i would think they are displaying their own car and not immediately think this is a site for me to learn how to make my own car hot.

    thanks for the input.
  • Posted by tcgren on Member
    Apologies for my previous typo: OneFitGolfer!

    Regarding your query, I don't immediately think it's solely a site about a specific golfer. If it's just on a list with no other marketing, then maybe. If you are still worried about that connotation then try TopFitGolfer or PureFitGolfer from your original set.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Read what follows very carefully because it is designed to save you from a world of pain.

    You may be going about things ass-backwards. What you want, like, or are drawn toward is of no importance. None. What anyone on this site prefers is again, of no importance. I've no idea how many golfers there are lurking in the wings but I'm not one of them. So what I think of your name is meaningless.

    What matters is the things (be they interests, pain points, desired outcomes, whatever) that the people who are most likely to buy from you are looking for.

    Everything else is irrelevant. All of it.

    Will you get people fit for the game of golf? Will you train them to get an extra 50 yards with that cool new driver they got for their birthday, or for Christmas? Will you show people how to stand, how to address the ball, or how to limber up before their game? Will you teach people about golf injuries, or about nutrition? If your answer to all these questions is "Yes, Gary!" DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200.

    How many people are searching for the terms you want to rank for (and that you want to be known for)? How will you rank your site for your chosen terms against competing sites in your niche?

    Which sites will you be up against?

    How old are their URLs?

    What's their PR?

    Are those sites listed in the Yahoo Directory?

    How many back links do these sites have?

    What kind of keyword research have you done?

    How will you gain visibility for your sit-in this marketplace?

    What terms are people searching for? What single pain point are you looking to cure?

    I'm asking all these questions in order to help you. If your gut-deep answer to some of these questions is "Huh?", you may want to slooooowww right down. I'm not suggesting you stop, or
    that you abort, but what I am saying is that you may need to do a lot more back end research.

    How will you market your site? PPC? Social media? E-mail? Do you already have a list of eager fans who hang upon your every word and with whom you communicate on a regular basis about all things golf? If not, you may want to develop ways to build a list, perhaps through social media, in order to test the market.
  • Posted on Author
    wow great points, you have given me a lot to go through. When i initially did some keyword research there were a lot more searches for "golf swing" than anything to do with golf fitness. The golf fitness though leads to better posture and ultimately a better golf swing. So my initial plan was to target "golf swing" I guess I can't answer all that right now, so I have some work to do.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about (it's available)? In my opinion, unless you're helping people improve their golf swing for its own benefit, don't put the word "swing" in the name.
  • Posted on Author
    well what it comes down to is that we believe the ability to swing the golf club efficiently and freely is through fitness, a series of stretching and core exercises with some strengthening to overall improve ones flexibility and range of motion. So although the program focuses on the fitness part of the person, the result is a better swing with more consistency and more distance (a big pain point for golfers especially as we age). When I check golf fitness there is about 2600 searches per month, but golf swing is more like 40500. So it would appear way more people are looking to improve their golf swing and I can provide that. That all being said I think that golf swing is valid to have in the domain name. Probably using a lot of social media to get started with videos on youtube as well.

    thanks again.

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