
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Venue Finding Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hello, looking for a little help coming up with a tagline for my company that specializes in finding unique places to hold events.

I will already have my venues lined up. The value that i bring to the table is my expertise and know how. I know everything there is to know about these venues and people will book with me because it's one less thing they will have to worry about. It's for all kind of events, not just one kind.

My name will have "events" in it somehow. still working that out. I just need help coming up with a tagline that will let people know what my business is all about instead of it being vague. I don't want people to think that i plan the entire event.


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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Name and tagline development are best when done together. You don't want to duplicate, and they can each do a different thing. For example, if the name tells what you do, then the tagline can provide the emotional connection or payoff. Or vice versa.

    So who is the primary target audience? Where?

    I'd also suggest a few informational interviews with some folks in your target audience to find out what their considerations are and what words they use to express the desired benefit.

    Maybe your target audience should be event planners. If you work through them, your end-user customer will really have one less thing to worry about. And maybe the end-user would see it as a benefit (for them) to not have to deal with a venue-finder too.

    The benefit you suggest -- one less thing to worry about -- seems like a two-edged sword: they have to deal with one more person in order to have one less thing to worry about! Not sure that will fly.


    Unique Venues
    Special Settings for Your [Next] Event
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The Venue Whisperer
    Unexpected Events
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    I'm struggling to see the business. If you have the event locations lined up, then aren't you just acting as a promoter for those locations? In which case the customer is the event location..

    If someone is looking for a unique event and they want someone to help, don't they want everything. A 'middle-man' who just finds the location doesn't seem to add much value. Why wouldn't they just go direct to the location itself?

    The only space I'm aware off where you have a specialist location organiser is for films/TV. But there the director says find me a location like 'X' and the work is done in hunting for, finding and negotiating the use of the location.

    We'd really need to know more about who your target customer is.

    Extra special places for extra special events

    Unforgettable locations

    Lands of make-believe
  • Posted on Author
    Hi saul.dobney,

    here is a little more of an explanation for you. The customers aren't necessarily looking for a unique event, they are looking for a unique venue to have it in. Pretty well everyone that will use this will be from out of town.

    There will be photos of the venues on the site to give them a rough idea as to the style they are looking for but no names will be listed. This is the way to guard against people doing it themselves. They let me know the styles they like and I then put together the options for them.

    This really is geared towards people that have no time to do anything themselves, or that simply don't want to.

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