
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Monogrammed Items & Other Gifts Biz

Posted by Sarah on 250 Points
The business will sell monogrammed items as well as other gift items. It will appeal to people buying things for themselves and as gifts. It will also sell to brides for monogrammed apparel for themselves and their bridesmaids and favors for their receptions.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Monogram(med) World
  • Posted by juie on Member
    Since monograms seem to be highlighted here:

    1. Designer Signage's
    2. Modern Runes
    3. Insignia
    4. Personalized Monograms
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Engraved Gifts

    Make Your Mark

    Significant Other



    Lauded Gifts


    Titulus Engraved Gifts

  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    My thanks to all of you who posted. Not every item in my shop will be monogrammed. There will be other gifts as well that have quotes written on them and not a monogram. I also need a name that I can get a domain with too because this business will be an online business.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member





  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Thank you saul.dobney for your additional list.
  • Posted on Member

    (1) Your Choice
    (2) MonoID
    (3) MonoGift

    I hope this would you like.

  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Thank you for your suggestions, Virag.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Sarah ,

    Pleasure. Did you like any name? if you need more name, let me know.

  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi Virag,

    I am sorry but none of the names posted so far appeal to me.
  • Posted on Member

    Its Ok. No worry. I am giving other names

    (1) Flairy n Glory
    (2) Flair & Fab
    (3) Monowesome
    (4) Emblemspire

    I hope this would like. However need more, let me know.

  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi Virag,

    Would like to see more. Thanks for offering
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Hi Sarah,

    It helps to give feedback - the sorts of things you're liking or not liking - or imagery of how you present yourself - for instance everyone picked up on monograms, but is it more weddings? Domain names are tough because so many are taken, so sometimes you have to find something OK then add a word to make it domain name unique.

    whitehartgifts / whiteheartgifts
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi saul.dobney,

    I want a name that sounds upscale. I don't want monogram in the name because that is not all that I will sell.
  • Posted by juie on Member
    Hi Sarah..have you decided on the domain extension? Since your looking for something upscale, .luxury & .shop are now available as domain extensions; this is if you don't want the all too common .com domains. As for the domain should be in sync with the name you chose for your business.

    Other names for your biz:

    1. The Luxe Shoppe ('luxe' meaning high quality & luxurious)
    2. Surprise Studio
    3. Wrapped Emotions
    4. The Wish List Lane
    5. Be Charmed
    6. Gift Affairs

    I hope you do like some of the above.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi Julie,

    I do want a .com extension because they are common and easy for people to remember. Thank you for your most recent list of possible names. I did not see one that is what I am looking for yet. I am not looking for a name that has luxurious or upscale in the name but one that evokes a luxurious or upscale image without saying those words.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Can you tell us who your primary target audience is? Where? "... [P]eople buying things for themselves and as gifts ..." could be almost anyone -- and everyone -- on the planet.

    The more precisely and narrowly you define your audience, the easier it will be to reach them with an appropriate message -- including the communication in your name and any tagline.

    Remember your brand image lives in THEIR minds, not on your wish list.

  • Posted by juie on Member
    How are your gifts going to be priced? affordable/moderate/expensive....if your gifts/articles are going to be moderately priced, and your biz/domain name signifies upscale/luxurious, it might create an impression of highly priced articles & inadvertently send out an image you would not want to create.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi Julie,

    You make a very good point. My merchandise will be moderately priced.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Him goodman,

    My target audience will be people who are detail oriented in their decorating; people who want to give gifts that are not ordinary and are known to have been given with thought behind the purchase; brides who want special gifts for their wedding party and parents or grandparents who want to commemorate a birth with a personalized garment or object.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author

    I forgot to address your question about where the target market is located. I would say they can be from anywhere. However, the Southern portion of the US would be the largest.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    And how will these people who "want to give gifts that are not ordinary and are known to have been given with thought behind the purchase" find you?

    What media do they consume? Who do they trust? How do they decide what to buy and where to buy it? What's important to them?

    You need to understand the decision process if you expect to engage them. What is it about the Southern part of the U.S. that attracts these folks?
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    Hi mgoodman,

    Thank you for your thought provoking questions. I am unable to answer them at this moment. I wll get back to you as soon as I can.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    It would seem appropriate to deal with the strategic and positioning issues BEFORE you start the naming process. Otherwise you might have to redo everything!

    I would observe that you seem to be focused mostly on what you want to do and what you want the business to look like. For a true marketing approach, you might want to look through the other end of that telescope and ask what kind of customer would want what you offer, how they go about finding solutions to their needs, and what words they use to express themselves. Then you can shape the business to satisfy real customer needs and not try to force-fit what you want to do into a marketplace that isn't particularly interested.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author

    Thank you for your last comment. After giving your message a lot of thought today, I agree I am not at the point to develop a name. Please close this thread as it will take some time for me to accomplish these tasks.
  • Posted by Sarah on Author
    To everyone else...Thank you so very much for all the great names you offered for my review. I really do appreciate the time and effort you put forth on my behalf.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    As the person who initiated this thread you can close it whenever you like.

    I am not really a moderator. I'm a marketing/management consultant who completed a project for MarketingProfs a few years ago, and the project required access to certain files that was easiest to grant by making me a "moderator."

    Carrie Shearer is the real moderator, and she will close this thread in a week or two if there is no more activity. Or you can close it yourself at any time.
  • Posted by teachvisualart on Member
    The Monogram Merchant. It covers all socioeconomic levels of pricing. Hope this helps!

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