
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming Suggestion For A Offset Press

Posted by ramprasad.nk on 250 Points
Looking for a precise name for a offset printing company start up. Has to make sense for corporate and have a brand recall with clients. We would be catering to high quality print services in offset and digital print.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Top Off (Printing)
    First Off (Printing)
    Big Send Off (Printing)
    Hands Off (Printing)
    Well Off (Printing)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Instead of focusing on the process you use, or the kind of equipment you have, think about the BENEFIT your customers can expect when they give their print jobs to you. That's what we should be trying to communicate in the name.

    Also perhaps you can be more specific about who your customers are? Where are they? How do they select a printer? What criteria are most important to them? Etc.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    I buy tens of thousands of dollars of print each year and have done for almost three decades.

    Not once in that time have I bought a single piece of print based on the name of the printer.

    Not once.

    I buy print based on quality of work and on the swiftness and the precision of turnaround. I buy on the knowledge and wisdom of the company owner, or on the same of his or her representative—whoever that person is in terms of the handling of my account.

    More often than not I strike up a lasting relationship with the owner, with the press manager, and with anyone handling my files (or, as it used to be, back in the day, with anyone working with my mechanical-based art work. I establish these relationships because these people are good at what they do and because if there is ever an issue with my files or with my art, I need to know that the person handling my job has got my back.

    Ideally, I prefer to deal one-on-one with the owner of the print company, not with an intermediary. I only break this rule if I get a good gut feeling about the person I'm meeting with and about the way they represent my interests.

    So, sell crusty old curmudgeons like me on the kinds of service we've come to expect and no one will care that much about your name. Keep your name simple: use a family name or a city name and the words "quality offset and digital printing". Back this up with bulletproof, ironclad service and customers will beat a path to your door.

    You're welcome.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    @Gary Bloomer and @mgoodman summed it up well. I agree that the name isnt as important as the branding and the product quality.

    There are names available such as:, .biz - avail - $2500 @ Godaddy Auctions - available, .co, .org, .info - all available - sedo auction - avail - avail

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted by ramprasad.nk on Author
    Thanks Gary Bloomer. I was a high quality and high quantity print buyer myself for the last 3 decades. The entrepreneurial bug has bitten me now as I find the local printers don't understand a customer's requirement in total and I am confident that I can fill those gaps. I am not planning to be a goat and sheep amongst the existing printers and I will standout with my customer understanding and his requirements.The name is important for a brand recall and hence I want to have maximum emphasis on the name.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    As Gary said, a customer will want quality, speed, flexibility and a good relationship. You could go with generics like Precision Printing, Rapidprint, Volumeflex Printing but sometimes the generics aren't memorable and are difficult to find.

    The alternative maybe to look for a metaphor:

    DiamondSharp Printing
    GreenMountain Printing
    isPrint/ iSprint / IcePrint

    And the final one, because it will be based on relationships, is to use your name
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Excellent! Sounds like you have quite the advantage! Sounds like your brand is around 85% complete.

    Since you already know that you will standout; due to your complete understanding of your customer and his requirements; we need your help to nail down the best name.

    Here's what we need to know:

    1) Who is your customer?
    2) What are their requirements?
    3) Where do they hang out?
    4) How do you plan on communicating with them?
    5) What emotions/feelings/sensations do you want your brand to evoke?
    5) Who are your Top 10 competitors?
    6) What is your current plan to ensure you stand out from the rest? ( A summary with your key differentiators will do)

    Basically, If you want a killer name for your killer brand, we need to know more details.

    Based on this post, the following is all we know:

    1) You are starting up a high quality offset printing company
    2) You want maximum emphasis on a brand name that makes sense and has brand recall
    3) For over 30 years, you have spent a lot of money on printing
    4) You are aware of industry gaps you can fill
    5) You already know your customers and their needs

    Unfortunately, to us marketing folks, the list above equates to "creative name for a printing company".

    General info begets general results.

    Please share what you can (without compromising your position, of course). We would love to help you by providing names that actually relate to your brand.

    Have a great evening, my friend!

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