
Topic: Taglines/Names

Flat Track Racing Team

Posted by clmitchell662 on 125 Points
MY kids race Flat Track and Speedway, looking for a tag/slogan to put on banners and marketing materials. We are MITCHELL RACING.......
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since there are other teams that they compete against, and those teams likely have slogans - it would help us to know: 1) what the other slogans are and 2) how your kids are different from these teams. Ultimately, what are you trying to convey and to who?
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Racing is competitive, but most families get into it as a hobby or a simply way of life. Very few go pro.

    Even if you were shopping for sponsors, it wont matter what your tagline is. If a big sponsor wants it changed, they will insist.

    Anyway, I'm not sure if you do bikes, atv, or karts, (I assume quads) but here are some ideas.

    Mitchell Racing - Does Our Butt Look Big in The Lead?

    Mitchell Racing - Dont Worry. Just Follow Me!

    Mitchell Racing - How's the View From Back There?

    Mitchell Racing - See You in the Rear View!

    Mitchell Racing - (Insert name of town/city)'s Speedway Champion

    Mitchell Racing - Geared to Win!

    Mitchell Racing - Come at Me Bro!

    Mitchell Racing - You Spin 'em, We WIN 'em

    Mitchell Racing - Recon Commandos of the Speedway

    Mitchell Racing - Mudslingin' Madmen of the Speedway

    Mitchell Racing - Born to Powerslide

    Mitchell Racing - Born to Slide!

    Mitchell Racing - No Fear, Just Freedom!

    If I think of anymore, I'll post again.

    Hope these give you some ideas.

    Have fun and be safe!

    - Blaine Wilkerson
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    In my 1st sentence I meant to say " ...Simply a way of life". Not "A simply way of life".

    Sorry about that!

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