
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tax Consultancy

Posted by mehtasaurabh1694 on 125 Points
Hiii everyone my name is Saurabh and I am starting a new tax consultancy firm offering services reagarding Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax. I want to have a unique but sober name and a promising tagline for my firm to attract as many clients as we can.
Thanks in anticipation
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If the goal is to attract "as many clients as we can," then you need a marketing plan. A name and a tagline are not of much use if nobody ever sees or hears them.

    Of course, it is important to also have a name and tagline that are meaningful/relevant to your primary target audience. Perhaps you can tell us who your primary target audience is. Where do they live? How do they find and select a tax consultant? What's important to them? What benefit do they expect? What do they do now to address their tax issues? Why should they switch to you?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Saurabh - can you tell us how your consultancy will stand out from your competition? A name (and tagline) won't by itself attract clients to you. It's what you can do for them that will. So, the more we know about your plans to distinguish yourself in the eyes of your target audience, the more likely we'll be able to suggest some names that may be appropriate.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Resolute Tax Accounting - Solid Tax Solutions For Your Home or Business

    Solid Solutions Tax Accounting - Home • Business • Enterprise

    Surely Tax Accounting - Yes, You Can Call Us "Surely"! (Just kidding)

    Elite Tax Management - The Nation's Best Tax Accounting Firm

    Nation's Tax Management - The Elite Tax Accounting Firm

    Elite Tax Accounting - Serving the State, Leading the Nation

    Granite Tax Solutions - Rock Solid Tax Accounting

    Blue Ocean Tax Services- Watch Your Accounting Problems Drift Away

    Lemon Breeze Tax Accounting - Breathe Easy, We Got This!

    Lemonade Tax Services - When Life Gives You Lemons...

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