
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Logo

Posted by recorsini on 125 Points
we are in the process of rebranding and the new logo is just NST which stands for National Seminars Training. we don't want the word training or seminars in the tagline.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This is so backward. The name and tagline should work together to communicate the positioning, and the logo should support the positioning graphically. So now you have a logo that doesn't mean anything to your target audience (it's just 3 random letters), and you haven't told us who the target audience is, where they live, or what you want the name-tagline to communicate!

    I don't think you are ready for a tagline unless you understand what it's supposed to do for you. Are you stuck with that logo? How about the name? Why are you rebranding?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    You "don't want the word training or seminars in the tagline"? Think about your clients for a moment, then regroup.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
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  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    mgoodman is 100% correct, as typical. You have the process backwards.
  • Posted by Veslebert on Accepted

    I agree with the comments above on how weird it is not having in the tagline some kind of explanation of the logo letters.

    Just imagine the thoughts of whoever reads it:
    ..NST (hmm... maybe they sell drinks as Nestea)
    ... Skills & Knowlege in your Hand (what kind of skills?
    ... I wonder then what NST means. National Soccer Team?

    Humour apart, I understand that a logo and the tagline are team players whose play leaves no place for misunderstanding or doubts. If you do not explain what´s NSL I think you have a weak start at your potential customer´s eyes.

    Anyway. My suggestions:

    Reachable Knowledge

    Knowledge & Skills in Action

    Best regards,

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