
Topic: Taglines/Names

Something To Remember

Posted by biik349 on 250 Points
I am planning to put up a company that supplies party favors, giveaways and tokens. I am not sure if the title is catchy enough. And I haven't thought of a tagline for it. Can you help me, guys? Thank you.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Is "Something to Remember" the proposed name of your business? Who's your client - a party/event planner or a parent throwing a party for their child? What's your specialty? Serving what region?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    As Jay's questions suggest, we need to understand the business better in order to give you input that will really be useful. Start with these:

    1. Who exactly is your target audience? Where?

    2. How does the target audience make decisions for items like yours? What are the most important criteria?

    3. What important and unique benefit do you provide? Why would a prospect choose to do business with you rather than a competitor?

    4. How/where do interested folks in your target audience generally learn about suppliers? How will they learn you exist?

    Start by giving these questions some thought. Then perhaps we can help you with a name.
  • Posted by biik349 on Author
    Thank you for your interest in answering my question. Actually, I want to supply affordable corporate giveaways for the top 1000 corporations in my Asian country. And wedding/birthday souvenirs on the sideline.
  • Posted by biik349 on Author
    Yes, "Something to Remember" is the proposed business name. And I am planning to advertise in the internet/social networks. Low price but good quality is what I want to offer to the market.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Take care. The needs of a corporate account (volume, capacity to handle and service large orders, systems and distribution skills) are quite different from supplying individuals (lots of small scale distinct orders and small payments to handle).

    I'd ask some people in your target market what they think of your name. Does it have an association with gifts and giveaways or with other things? Do they feel it is a name they would remember.

    Esteemed Gifts

    Appreciate it!

  • Posted by biik349 on Author
    Thank you for the Poken Tokens. I am currently working with a company catering to multi-corporations and individuals at the same time. I like the Appreciate It! though. Thank you for that. I think I have to have a tagline for this.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not simply, "Affordable Corporate Giveaways"?
  • Posted by biik349 on Author
    Thank you all for helping me. I really appreciate your effort. I am tired of building other people's dreams. Time to build my own. Wish me luck!

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