
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Naming A Business For Crafts

Posted by reenamarch on 250 Points
Hi, please help me name my business.
First i am selling clothes under a name of naree yam boutique. But then I started selling my own made fragrances (simple ones) so my friends started to ask me to change my business name because they don't think those 2 products fit for my intended name.
So I thought of renaming it to Charms and Scents. It's ok that clothes is not incorporated in the name because I'm dropping it anyway.

As of now I'm focusing on my fragrance line and some handmade crafts like albums, frames, accessories. Also I am currently experimenting on making soaps to make a partner of my fragrances. I'm thinking of keeping Charms and Scents however, my friends still think that the name is still not good enough. But I'm lost at this naming thing.

Can you help me with this?
I think a name that would incorporate my product lines (such as fragrances, handmade crafts and soaps) and a name that will not be stuck for one product would do since I'm experimenting for more products.

If there are unclear infos, please do tell me.
Thank you in advance. :)
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The best names are specific to a narrow target audience and a specific benefit that they can expect when they deal with you/buy your products. When you try to come up with a name that covers a broad audience and a number of different benefits, you are almost certain to have a less effective name for everyone.

    So my advice would be to focus your business on the one thing you feel has the greatest potential. Concentrate your resources and execute that business as well as you can. If and when you are successful, use your profit and energy to expand -- geographically or into new business areas. Don't sabotage the business at the outset by trying to be all things to all people.

    P.S. Are your friends naming experts? Business experts? If not, maybe their opinions are not so valuable.
  • Posted by reenamarch on Author
    Hi @mgoodman, Thank you for your response.
    Do you think holding on to Charms and Scents is still good for now?
    My friends are my customers too. Whenever I make something new, they are the first one to try and critic my products.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If you like "Charms and Scents" and your clients do as well (and understand what you're selling), then continue to use the name. However, it's likely better for you to convey a benefit to what you're offering your prospective clients (such as "Beautiful Body" or "Luxurious Bath" or "Clean & Delicious Body").
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    My reaction to Charms & Scents is that it is very mechanical -- a literal description of the things you sell. If it were up to me I'd be trying for a name that captures the emotional benefit you deliver to your customers.

    Maybe you can tell us more about your target audience. Who are they? Where do they live? What other brands do they like? How do they select the brands and products they buy?

    I'd urge that the name (and a tagline) speak more to what's on your customers' minds than on what YOU hope to sell.
  • Posted by reenamarch on Author
    Thanks @Jay Hamilton-Roth and @mgoodman :)
    I was thinking maybe "The Scent Garden" would do since most of my products are of different scents (perfume and soap). Most of my customers are my common friends, officemates and some neighbors. They buy products because its homemade and cheaper than in the commercial products.

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