
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With The Name Of A New Photographic Business

Posted by sjohnp on 250 Points
I currently run a home energy business and use a thermal imaging camera to detect any defects in a home or small business. In addition to this I enjoy photography and use my thermal camera to take some very arresting and unusual images. I'm now looking to see if I can develop this side of my working life and would like help coming up with a rather catchy and consumer led name for this business idea. I would need to promote the idea via facebook and attend appropriate art/photography events. Below are a few ideas I've come up with.

* Thermal Art
* Hot Spot Art
* Thermal Eyes
* Hot Spots

I would really welcome any feedback and additions to my list and appreciate your time which is very much appreciated
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What you're selling are thermal images. However, it's unclear who specifically would be interested in them. Home or business energy inspectors? Curious homeowners looking for unusual home art? The reason this is important is that your business name may be much more effective by clearly articulating a benefit to your audience than simply saying "I take thermal pictures".
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Arhh! sorry. The images I'm taking involve primarily horses and dogs. My aim is to take commissions which are free and if the customer likes them I will provide them with a printed copy all framed up. An unusual gift.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It sounds like the benefit is a way for owners to communicate/display how much their animal(s) mean to them. If that's the case, then the name needs to address that benefit, not tell folks what technology you use. When they see your images they will understand you are using a novel technique, and they'll either like it or not. Referring to the technology in the name misses the point of a good name -- to communicate the benefit your target audience should expect.

    P.S. Forget "catchy." You have an opportunity to promise a powerful end-end benefit -- your target audience will be seen by friends and family as compassionate animal-lovers. Don't get mesmerized by the technology or artistic value of what you do, or how clever you can be with "catchy" words.
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    That's a very interesting point and clearly passed right over my thinking. In view of these useful comments do you or anyone else have any useful suggestions to steer me in the right direction. Lost at sea. What I do need to mention is the final images are very arty and it is a matter you either love them or pass it by for something more traditional and representative. Thank you
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Inner Warmth [Glow] [Light]

    Inner Radiance Photography
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Thanks Mike and I've attempted to add a few more to your suggestions

    Warm Fuzzy Pixels

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Inside Out Beauty
    Inside Out Art
    Art Insight
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Thanks Jay and having checked these out what do you think of


    Thermal imaging is all about hot spots that are pixelated and not sharp like a digital camera
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    "Hot Fuzzy Pixels" doesn't even begin to hint at the benefit, and it requires "hidden knowledge" to even understand what you do. Bad idea, IMHO.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    It sounds like more of a small time hobby. To grow into a full business my guess is you'd need to expand to offer other photography services.

    New Light Photography

    Glowing Art Photography

    Inner Light Photography
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Many thanks Saul and rather like Glowing Art. Much appreciated. steve
  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Thank you to all the people who have contributed towards my business name. Just to let you know I have called my new company 'Glowing Art' Photography so a really big thank you to Saul

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