
Topic: Taglines/Names

Our Discount Card Needs A New Name And Tagline.

Posted by mygreenerworld on 250 Points
Hello and thank you in advance for your time and suggestions.

We are based in Bali, Indonesia, a digital portal providing a comprehensive list of independently tested restaurants, spas, shops and entertainment and we sell a card that gives our members unlimited access and exclusive deals at them all. We choose only the best places for dinning, health/wellness, arts and adventure.

Our merchants sign up by invitation only after agreeing to give an exclusive discount to our members. They receive a window decal and a counter top display letting the public know they have been chosen and that they accept our card. Our cardholders (members) are a combination of tourists and expats. They represent Australia, Europe, all the Americas, and most of Asia, quite a diversified market however mostly our customers originate from Western countries at the moment.

I would like to get away from the perception of being just a discount card for those looking for a good deal but to add a component of coolness or fun into the name that makes one proud to share it with their friends. More on the lines of a status symbol like a Polo Shirt, Louis Vuitton Bag, or American Express Platinum Card but without any snobbish or elitist connotations. It should be more fun and cool. Something along the lines of a "Foodie Card" but it should be more representative of all our categories, not only food.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Ultimately people are getting the discount card for the discount, not for the "cool" factor. That is assuming that anyone can buy/get the card - rather than only certain people to become members - and instilling a VIP treatment.

    For a name, how about "Bali Insider (Card)" or "Bali VIP (Card)"?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Chances are you do not have the Marketing budget to catapult yourself up, into status symbol land.
    You certainly can, though, maintain an unceasing focus on quality. Customer facing material must have a rich, professionally done look. The businesses that you recommend must be excellent in their way. Over time your card may become a symbol of quality and may acquire some status.

    Could go with something like-
    "Bali Travelers Card"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I believe the image you seek will come more from performance than from a name and/or tagline. There needs to be real substance in your promise, so that your merchants consistently uphold your brand image.

    Any of the 3 names suggested by Jay and Mike should work if the card truly symbolizes the consistent quality of service suggested by the positioning you've described.

    It's not about the name, but about delivering consistently against the expectations you set. No name will save you if your merchants falter.
  • Posted by amangupta on Accepted
    If you want to associate a cool factor to a discount card, your best best can be of creating a differentiation depending on the categories. The distinction can be in terms of exclusiveness of deals, luxury/ normal restaurants, frequency of offers etc. Basically, make your customer do something extra to get something more, and they'll love the "cool" factor associated with it.

    Having said this, like mentioned above, you must deliver your promise consistently and your clientele would never shy away from your services.

    You can use a range of names and distinguish them on the basis of code names (alpha, beta, tango etc.), credit notation (gold, platinum, black, silver) or service level (beginner, semi pro, pro, expert, master, connoisseur etc). In this manner, you wont need a fancy name to create a buzz about your card, and also you could use your portal name as well, spreading your brand name as a bonus.

    Or something like,

  • Posted by mygreenerworld on Author
    Thank you to all who gave an answer, I do appreciate your input even though most of you were more focused on quality or service, answering the question almost as an afterthought.

    Amangupta embraced the question, giving a well thought out answer and a strategy with additional relevant advice.

    I hope a little constructive criticism is ok here. :-)

    Cheers from abroad.

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