
Topic: Taglines/Names

Original Branding For A Kitchen Accessesories Corp

Posted by szmigz on 100 Points
Looking for a Creative, original, powerful and easy to remember brand name for a new start-up corp in the Kitchen accessories industry.(small accessories)

Our products are:
-Simplifying cooking
-Green (Eco-Friendly)
-Promoting healthy eating

We would really like the brand name to resonate at an emotional level. Reminding people the pleasure of dining together, the sharing, the laughing, the family, the love, the good times...

We can't seem to come up with anything that resonates and communicates clearly our corp. and in the same time find the .com to be available.

We would appreciate, some of your branding ideas and brand names.

Thank you for your contribution,

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Can you provide some examples of what you're selling? Can you explain how they are innovative/practical/simplifying? Are these commodity products or something you're manufacturing yourself? Where are you located? You mention "dining together", but if these are preparation tools, then "dining together" doesn't really enter into the picture.
  • Posted by szmigz on Author
    One examples is:
    - Non-stick baking mats (Eco-Freindly)
    Innovative: They are made from the highest quality, FDA approved Fireberglass/Silcon which is BPA free and enables non-stick baking.
    Practical/simplifying: Baked good are easily removed from baking tray, limiting cleanup, eliminating the usage of aluminum foil, or any other baking paper. Making baking easy and fun. Eliminating the frustrations of baking goodies braking apart or

    the products are designed by our company and outsources for manufacturing according to our specifications.

    We are located in Canada and we want to sell on the internet (Market: North America)

    Dining together is the experience, the feeling you get after sharing a family prepared meal. And the tools allow for a fun and exciting way to prepare these meals.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    You're NOT selling non-stick cookware, you're creating a lifestyle vision. Watch all 12 of these ads, take notes, and use what you learn to emulate the feeling (not copy it) and to build an overall strategy: WJHUO6ag&index=1&list=PL_IABkPMeebtGD9AtBBYLJM5X9KYnxb4q
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
  • Posted by szmigz on Author
    Thank you for the link Gary,

    I agree with you that creating a lifestyle is the foundation of any successful brand. I am familiar with that.

    What we are looking for is a brand name that will communicate clearly "the fun, effortless cooking" so when people see the name they understand what's it's all about. ie: NETFLIX, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE.
    Even people who have not see our brand before, will look at the name and will be able to know more or less what's all about. (Or at least that it's cooking ware)

  • Posted by szmigz on Author
    Any emotion we can convey via the brand name that relates to cooking, fun, the pleasure of eating together, etc...

    that's what we are looking for...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Chef Love
    Loving Kitchen (or Cooks)
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Names do not create brands, experiences do.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    EcoTools by Loving Kitchen
  • Posted by szmigz on Author
    Gary, I got that 100%, thank you for your contribution, I really appreciate that!

    We still believe the brand name can have a substantial impact on how customers relate to you and your product. Thus we are looking for a well tough out brand name.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    1. You would probably get greater response if you posted your request in the "Taglines/Names" category, because most of the experts here view "Branding" the way Gary does ... and your question really deals with the name more than building a brand.

    2. If you are depending on the brand name to do the heavy lifting for positioning your business with the target audience, you owe it to yourself to hire a naming expert and pay them to focus on meeting the specs in your Creative Brief with clearly-identified deliverables. Trying to come up with a winner by shooting from the hip here isn't likely to do it. Naming is a serious undertaking ... and almost always worth the time, effort and cost to let an expert guide the process.

    3. Do you have a business and marketing plan for your venture? If so, you'll want to share that with whoever is going to deliver the name (or name candidates). If not, you'll do yourself a favor if you come up with the business/marketing plans first.

    4. A great way to develop naming approaches is to talk with at least a dozen people in your target audience, and let them discuss how they make purchase decisions, what they look for, what they think they need, etc. They invariably use phrases (or words) that can give you great naming ideas. (You might want to use a market research professional to help you with this.)

    Hope this helps. If you want referrals for any of this, feel free to contact me offline, using the email address in my profile.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted

    Cordon Vert

    The Organic Cook




    Mange Tout


    Barefoot Cooking Company

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Brands can impact how customers relate to you, but only once they've had an experience to base the relatable event on.
  • Posted by szmigz on Author
    Mgoodman, Thank you! Is there a way to migrate this thread to the naming section?

    Saul, thank you for the suggestions. I like Gourmex, unfortunately the .com is taken

    And Gary, 100% - your the best

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