
Topic: Taglines/Names

Launching New Handmade Goods Company- Need Name

Posted by malwais on 250 Points
after a year of making quality quilts and clothing for my niece, friend comments and my own desire for a new challenge have led me to launching a new company. I make handmade quilts and girls dresses and skirts from high quality fabric with a refined taste for fashion. i spent many years in the fashion industry and feedback i have received is that my designs and combinations are more modern than what is currrently available in the market place. I need a name for the copmpany. i want it to not be tied just to quilts, or clothing. something that will resonate with the moms of little girls. i plan on launching the line through etsy and facebook and then potentially going to local boutiques. currently throwing around the name "smiling giraffe" as the front runner, giraffes are my nieces and my favorite animal, she is my inspiration for the clothing line. i also thought "striped zebra". i am open to anything. i know naming companies after yourself is popular, my name is melissa or missy. i look forward to your feedback.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not combine your naming ideas to create something unique: "Striped Giraffe"? Realize that the name alone won't suddenly cause someone to buy from you or not. It's what you offer, how you offer it, who sees your offer, and their needs.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It kind of depends on what your ultimate goal is. If this is just something you're doing for the satisfaction of doing it then "Smiling Giraffe" is just fine. After all it's your product and promotion and pricing that will ultimately determine whether you're successful. The name isn't critical.

    If, on the other hand, you need for the business to generate a profit (and perhaps support you), then you need to have a business plan and a marketing plan that will impact the choice of a name -- and just about every other important decision you'll be making.

    So think about why you're starting this business and how big you need it to become. Then you'll know what role the name should play, and whether it's even time for the naming to happen. (The marketing plan will include a Positioning Statement, which will let us know what the name needs to communicate.)

    BTW, if we come up with a dozen suggestions for the name, how will you pick a winner? What are the criteria you'll use to evaluate the candidates? If we know that there's a much better chance we can come up with a name that will achieve the [currently unknown] objective.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Excellent advice from mgoodman.

    And as the saying goes, "Peter Piper Picked ... "

    Alliterations help names stick in the mind. So maybe "Galloping Giraffe" or "Smiling Sheep"??
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been any activity in 10 days.

    Thanks for participating!

    MarketingProfs Customer Service Samurai

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