
Topic: Taglines/Names

What To Name My Swim Wear Fashion Line?

Posted by natalia.kolev11 on 250 Points
I want to create a swim wear line that uses a specific kind of material that is more durable, comfier, and higher quality for the swim line. Kind that professional atheletes would use but it feels almost although it's like your skin, or like you are naked (that comfy and fits that good).

It will be for men and women. Target age I assume 15-40. There will be some classic pieces and I can open the line to a more broader audience but right now want to target more teen, young adult and adults with different styles from patterned to plain to sexy.

I was thinking the tag line to be like... "Do you dare to bare?" does that sound appropriate? The swim wear will not be trashy, just need something really catchy and possibly something like: Tantalizing Threads (T, T) as it's easier to remember.

Help with ideas to get my brain spinning, thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Dare to be bare?" conveys the nakedness, but if that's not the primary benefit to the swim wear, then you're highlighting the wrong aspect. Also, the tagline needs to "work" in conjunction with the name of the brand, so without knowing the brand name, tagline suggestions are likely not to be on-target.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    The target age is 15 to 40 (you assume)?

    Please, don't assume. You need to know.

    What data do you have—or will you collect—to back up your assumption?

    Have you market tested this product with users and potential buyers in your age range, and can you substantiate your claims of comfort and durability through testimonials?

    How do you think a name that's "catchy" will drive sales?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Do you have a business and marketing plan? If so, we need to understand at least the marketing plan in order to come up with a good name. If not, that's where you need to start. The name will be relatively easy once your marketing strategies are set and you have a strong Positioning Statement.

    If you do this backward, you will spend way too much time and money on the wrong name and then feel trapped with it when you have the plan in place.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    You have a slightly mixed message - pro-sports swimmer material, but cheeky fashion-style taglines.

    Racier/Racia - Feel the water rush

    Sleex - low drag swimwear

    Wet Sensation - Slip into the water

    Aqua Dynamics - streamlining for swimmers
  • Posted on Accepted
    SkinWear SwimWear

    BodyWrap SwimWear

    SecondSkin SwimWear
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been any activity in at least 10 days.

    Thanks for participating!


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