
Topic: Taglines/Names

Ideas For Tagline?

Posted by dlight777 on 125 Points
My site is I'm a holistic attorney, moving toward coaching people on how to approach their legal issues in a peaceful and effective way. I have great testimonials and case examples - just need to educate and draw people to something a bit new:

Some current ideas:

Guidance for a Peaceful and Effective Approach for Your Legal Needs

A Peaceful and Effective Approach for Your Legal Experiences

Finding and Creating Peace in Your Legal Challenges

Insightful Coaching for Peaceful and Effective Legal Choices

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  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    "Peace through effective legal action"
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since you already have the keywords "peace" and "law" in your name, I wouldn't suggest repeating them in a tagline. Also, it's assumed that you're effective. I'd start by thinking about who specifically hires you (including where they are located), when, and why they choose your services.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Jay is right: It's a waste to repeat the name in a tagline. If you do that, why even have a tagline? You can just say the name twice. :)

    So let's go back to basics. Who is your primary target audience? Where? What benefit do you deliver for them? How will their lives be better if/when they hire you? Those are the things you need to communicate in your tagline.
  • Posted by dlight777 on Author
    This is so helpful. Here's the new Title and Tagline:

    Coaching You to Ease, Wisdom, Clarity and Strength
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Personally I wouldn't know what Peace in the Law means, so I think you have to say something that shows you're an attorney in your tagline.

    The caring approach to legal matters

    Legal coaching for positive outcomes/resolutions

    Experts in negotiated legal settlements
  • Posted by $teve on Accepted
    I agree with Saul that I would not know that "Peace In The Law" means you are an attorney. So I would lean towards something that spells that out clearly as the name itself is more of a positioning statement anyway.

    Peace In The Law - An Attorney Who Cares

    Peace In The Law - An Attorney That Can Help You Find It

    Or something that might seem really simple now however it is very clear and personal:

    Peace In The Law - Duane Light Attorney
    Duane Light Attorney - Peace In The Law

    Maybe a bit long?:

    Peace In The Law - A Compassionate Attorney Delivering Inspiring Outcomes

  • Posted by dlight777 on Author
    Thanks for the new comments. Actually, I'm 59, and wanting to get out of the nitty-gritty of law practice, and into coaching people through their legal situations: how to find an attorney, reduce legal costs, manage an attorney, reduce stress, defuse conflicts to get thru them faster, and take a respectful, compassionate approach that works in mediation, arbitration or trial. It's something of a new niche, so I need to educate people about it. Also, if I list as an attorney yet want to just coach, then clients or State Bar Associations could get confused, and I would be at risk of claims of practicing law without a license in States other than California. I know being an attorney adds credibility. Eventually, when I fully retire as an attorney I can list as "former attorney." Right now I need to continue as an attorney for some time period while I'm developing the coaching practice.

    Thanks for going deeper with this - very much appreciate it.
  • Posted by $teve on Member
    No worries at all. Perhaps replace Attorney with "Legal Coach"?
  • Posted by dlight777 on Author
    Nice thought on "legal coach." May still be edgy - people could think I'm giving them legal advice, which I can't do as a coach. I'll sit with this a bit.

    On my current business card design, I have "JD" after my name, so at least some people will know I have a law degree. I also have "25 years legal experience" on the card. On my new website, I'll direct people to my law site if they want to hire me as an attorney.

    ANOTHER POSSIBLE TAGLINE, if I use Legal Coach:

    Effective Legal Coaching Saves Your Time, Money and Sanity
  • Posted by $teve on Member
    We're getting there!
  • Posted by dlight777 on Author
    This may be better:

    Legal Coaching to Save Your Time, Money and Peace of Mind

  • Posted by $teve on Member
    See - anyone can be a marketer! I like it
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think the main problem is with the name. "Peace in the Law" doesn't really communicate anything about what you do or want to do. It doesn't say what the benefit is or who needs what you're offering.

    What I would suggest is that you develop the name and tagline together. That way you can ensure they work as a unit to communicate the right message. As it is, you need the tagline just to explain what the cryptic name means, and that doesn't give you much of a chance to tell folks who the target audience is or what benefit they can expect.

    You may want to hire a naming specialist for this so they can really get into the strategic positioning issues with you. It's not likely you will address this issue with the serious consideration it deserves by picking up a thought here and a thought there.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been any activity in at least 10 days.

    Thanks for participating!


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