
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Require For Food Based E-commerce Platform

Posted by purohit.sushil on 250 Points
Helo Everyone, Tagline require for food based e-commerce platform. Concept - Food prepared at home to be supplied to people looking for home made food.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of the platform?
    Where is your target market?
    Is "made at someone's home" more attractive than "made in a hygienic commercial kitchen"?
    What type of food?
    For what type of client?
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    Target market is ladies of age between 25 to 45 yrs...people of various cities shall put famous dishes of their cities...All type of food at one platform .....its like Google of food dishes..
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I don't understand the concept. Are you selling recipes, food delivery, prepared ready-to-eat meals (frozen?), or a community for foodies?

    Your target market has close to 1 billion people in it. There is no way you can reach and serve that market. It's just too expensive and unwieldy. I suggest you narrow the target considerably and think through the marketing and business plan. We'll also need to know the name of the business and what you want the tagline to communicate to the target audience. What's the core positioning benefit for your primary target audience?
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    In my concept.....people will prepare dishes from home and register their dishes on website.They will also mention the name of place where the dish is famous.Accordingly the people in same location,will be able to search city wise famous foods and accordingly they will order.So with this, people at home who have registered their dishes,will get order online and will generate business.Two major benifits:
    1. People living away from home shall get home prepared foods
    2. People at home will get business if their dishes are ordered online.

    In tagine, message should convey that people can find lots of home made varieties of food from any city...whose people have registered on this platform
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    So if I'm a German visiting Sydney Australia and I want home-cooked Italian food, I can search for cooks in Sydney who make authentic Italian dinners? Am I getting that right?

    And how do I get the food? Do they deliver it to me, or do I have to set out to find them?

    Somehow this sounds complicated.
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    Yes...u r on ryt track..but It's not going to be an international platform...its domestic only.
    If someone from one city 1 goes to city 2, where other people from city 1 are already living ,whose probability is there in any country,these people from city 1 wil register their dishes on platform and the person from city 1,once find dishes of city 1 in city 2, will be able to order.Delivery shall be in the scope of food providers or on the platform they will agree for pickup location
    now ...tagline plsss
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    my domain name is (city + yummies)
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    You have two problems. Amateur cooks who share recipes don't necessarily want to cook for someone else - certainly not to the other person's convenience. And if food is being actively sold it will need to comply with local food hygiene rules. Assuming you've got a solution for these two, your tagline will need to cater both to the cooks and to the buyers (or two separate taglines).

    Home cooking from me to you

    Food from my home to your home

    Home-to-home dishes

    Authentic home cooking to share

    Share a meal
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    Thanks for your response and suggestions.I have already considered these things in my plan and will definately going to consider during implementation. Here people will cook food to start their business/generate revenues and to fulfill the food demand of people belonging to their city.
    Hope u have understood the concept, but i am still looking for new suggestions for tag line
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Which of Saul's suggested taglines do you like, and which do you not like? Why?

    What would you like additional suggestions to communicate that Saul's don't?
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    I did not like any of the suggested....I would like to see suggestion which may contains following-
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Taste The Best Of Family Cooking
    Delicious Ethnic Specialty Dishes
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    I like Taste the Best...
    but if you can provide me a line which connects people ,who are living away from their home,to their home..
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    How will you solve the issues of food safety, quality control, order fulfillment and shipping, reliability, and payment? How do you generate revenue? How sustainable is this model? have you tested this model?
  • Posted by purohit.sushil on Author
    Gary....Facebook / quikr cannot ensure all the time the quality of contents posted on its page everyday.
    It is just a platform where people have to follow the terms and conditions mentioned.If not follow, then it's up to people I am just going to provide a platform to meet and get required dishes.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    With respect, you're not building Facebook, and even if you were, Facebook still takes responsibility for the quality of its users content via user's agreement of Facebook's terms of service.

    From a strategic viewpoint, saying "I am just going to provide a platform …" is both a huge red flag and a cop out with the combined potential—over time—to dramatically undermine all potential for long term brand equity. By simply "proving a platform", you, in effect, tell your users—whether you come right out and say it or whether you simply ignore it—that you have no interest in their interests as customers.

    If you cannot or will not address the points of the issues of food safety, quality control, order fulfillment and shipping, reliability, and payment, and if you have no idea how you will generate revenue, or how sustainable this model is, or whether the model even works, you will burn lots of time or lots of money in the process.

    Again and again on this forum, questions are asked about names and tag lines when the much bigger business questions of scope, planning, product testing, market desire, and profitability are ignored.

    How do you know this plan will work, that the ideal is viable, that there is a need for the product idea? What product to market fit testing have you done? What have those tests revealed? How much tweaking, adjustment, and additional testing will you need to do and over what period will you need to do it in order to present the most viable service, with the most potential for revenue generation, in the least amount of time, from the fewest number of people?

  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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