
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help In Creating Maternity Cosmetics Tagline

Posted by kena_tremblay on 25 Points
We are the first in maternity cosmetics and lacking in one important component, a tagline.

Our cosmetics are aimed at an educated pregnant and breastfeeding consumer ages 24-40 who want to make a safe choice in cosmetic for their fetus/baby.

I've only been able to ponder up one inadequate tag " For happy and smart bellies"
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of your business?
    What region are you targeting?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Jay's questions are very important. Please give us the information.

    Also, it might be useful to give us the Positioning Statement. What is the unique and compelling benefit your target audience might expect, and why should they believe you can deliver it?

    Once we have this info, I'm sure we'll be able to come up with a great tagline for you.
  • Posted by kena_tremblay on Author
    Thank you for further inquiries!

    Our name is Pregnancy Glow Cosmetics

    We are first targeting the online market

    We are 100% organic and soy free cosmetics

    Positioning statement:

    We are the only maternity cosmetics to offer beauty products tailored to expecting and breastfeeding mothers all over the world that want products they can trust during one of the most vulnerable times in an era of chemically engineered and harmful consumer products.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Pure Beauty & Love
    100% Organic & Soy-Free
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    A comment based on experience in related industry segments: You need to include the desired benefit as a key element of your positioning. In this case, it needs to be the REASON a woman wants cosmetics in the first place. Example: "... makes pregnant women glow, gives them a complexion others will envy, etc." (You've done this with the name, but not in your positioning statement.)

    If you don't promise and deliver that core benefit, all the "organic and soy-free" won't matter.

    Jay Hamilton-Roth has pointed you in the right direction with "Pure Beauty & Love." My concern is that you didn't include this core-benefit thinking in your positioning statement, suggesting that you could be building your marketing plan on a shaky foundation.
  • Posted by kena_tremblay on Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth thank you for the great suggestion. I like the direction you've sent me in. Although "pure" too closely resembles my competitor in the organic industry "100 Percent Pure" but it has got my wheel turning.

    mgoodman both your comments have been very helpful in filling gaps I did not realize were there. I am re-evaluating my plan and statement as we speak.

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