
Topic: Taglines/Names

Kielty Communications

Posted by rmky1202 on 250 Points
I create yearbooks and cook books for non-profits and am looking for a tagline that explains what I do...I also create newsletter, too

I create communication products for non-profits but can create them for for-profit companies, as well

Companies I have designed books for are churches and schools and they will more than likely be the bulk of my business
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You probably need to focus on a narrow market -- say churches and schools. And you need to understand what those audiences need and want when it comes to yearbooks and cookbooks. Who makes those decisions? What criteria do they use to pick a supplier? What do you offer that makes you different from, and better than, others in the same business?

    Instead of looking at what YOU do, look at what THEY NEED, and then position yourself as the best solution to THEIR problem.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing about your company name that helps, so the communication challenge is all up to the tagline.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    You could ask some of your happy customers about the benefits they feel their organization has received from your services.This information could not only help you identify a tagline, butt also help you generate testimonials and referrals and a list of targeted prospects. For example, if a cookbook was a fine and painless way to raise money, this could help you with taglines and other marketing activities. Do your products help build community spirit, or provide healthy meal options, or provide convenient meal options, or is it simply fun? Ask your happy customers.

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