
Topic: Taglines/Names

Implement Design To Improve Business

Posted by maddyspri on 250 Points
This is our first campaign where our target audience are the medium sized companies. The main objective of this campaign is Helping medium sized companies grow to large companies by implementing design(graphic) in their business which in turn will give us more projects. Making the target audience realize the importance of design. Which will help grow both of us
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  • Posted by saratogahiker on Accepted
    You definitely need case studies - lots of examples from your previous clients - that show how changing the designs of the business helped elevate them to a larger-sized company. This will be tricky, because you will have to prove that the success of the companies related directly to the new designs and not due to the economy, new products and/or services, improved customer service, etc.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I agree with saratogahiker, particularly with smaller or medium-size companies. It's not immediately obvious to most folks that design can be a driver of business growth. You are going to have to "prove it" before they'll listen.

    What led you to change your focus to include medium-size companies? Is it just inside thinking/wishing, or do you have some dramatic successes with medium-size companies that you believe you can replicate? (Industry specific?)

    Do you have a specific question/request of us? I see you've posted under "Taglines/Names," but you don't really explain what or why or where or how you want our assistance.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Are you expecting to educate small companies about the benefits of investing in quality marketing? In my experience, some companies believe in paying professional rates for quality marketing, but most do not. If I were selling your services, I would limit my prospecting to companies who already have a history of spending money on professional marketing services. Personally, if I were spending my own money to generate leads, I would limit my outreach to companies which exhibit at trade shows.
  • Posted by superhuman on Accepted
    Stop-stop. You mean that the design you will give to the new companies will help the small companies to become larger or you mean that you would like to make your business larger with the help of selling the design for companies? I didn't understand. I know for sure that the first idea will not help to grow the business just by implementing the design to the website they have. It's just branding and the "Identity" that will help to make the business more recognizable and increase the level of trust and loyalty, but nothing more..
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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