
Topic: Taglines/Names

Travel Website Looking For Catchy Tagline

Posted by k.a.rie on 250 Points
my Wanderlust users can find inspiration, recommendations and companions.
They only have to filter what they want to do/see/experience and the site connects them with the most suitable destinations or travel buddies.

It is generally aimed to travellers, focusing on millennials.

Feel free to also have a look at the landing page:

Thank you!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why "catchy?" You offer a real benefit. A catchy tagline will only relegate that benefit to a second-place position. What is it you want to communicate that isn't captured in your current tagline:

    Make the most of your trips. Share an experience!

    The "catchiest" taglines are the ones that promise a compelling and unique benefit, not the ones that try to amuse or entertain.
  • Posted by k.a.rie on Author
    @mgoodman Thanks for having a look at the page! I'm just trying to get more into the direction of "Everyone's private driver" style. Which also clearly shows the benefit, but is way more memorable to it.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I think your existing tagline can be improved by making it clearer what you offer. Based on your experience, what are the majority of people looking for: to find a travel buddy, to find a destination, or to write up their own story? Right now your tagline favors the people to share an experience, which might be in alignment with your data.
  • Posted by k.a.rie on Author
    @Jay True. At the moment it is a good split between "Where do I go?", since there are way too many options.And "Who do I go with?", since 42% don't like travelling alone and even more want to share costs. The goal is really to offer an answer to these question in order to make travelling for everyone as easy and enjoyable as possible.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Share the World
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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