
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed For Disordered Eating Training Package

Posted by mholland on 250 Points
We are about to roll-out a training and resources package for Secondary School Personnel (nurses, student wellbeing coordinators, health/PE teachers - - not students) that aims to increase confidence, knowledge and skills to know how to:
- Notice disordered eating and other early warning signs of eating disorders
- Inquire sensitively and competently about the young person's circumstances
- Plan for internal or external referral
(This is the NIP-it-in-the-bud approach to early intervention)
- Support a student post-diagnosis
- Catalyse change in their school community
We hope to dispel many of the myths that exist around eating disorders in schools through this training.

Looking for inspiration for a simple, catchy name for the training program.

Many thanks.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What region are you targeting?
    Are these personnel looking for the information you're sharing (are they mandated to, for example)?
    How is your program different from other programs that they might be aware of?
    Can you prove that your program is better than others?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Simple, catchy?

    "Taking a Bite out of Eating Disorders"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Let's talk about the benefit for your target audience. Why might they want what you are selling? If we don't know what's in it for them, then a simple, catchy name isn't likely to do much for you. ("Catchy" is usually a bad idea regardless, as it suggests you don't offer a serious substantive benefit.)
  • Posted by mholland on Author
    Many thanks for the comments/feedback.
    mgoodman: The benefit for our target audience is that they will no longer feel overwhelmed or helpless when they encounter a young person who they think may be experiencing an disordered eating. People in schools report that they feel vulnerable in their wellbeing role and don't know what to do when it comes to knowing what to say or what to do when it comes to disordered eating. This course will up-skill them and empower them to know how to spot the warning signs, what to say in response and how to refer appropriately for support. Happy to steer away from catchy... any suggestions for a name gratefully received!

    Jay Hamilton-Roth: We are targeting schools in Victoria (Australia). The course is not mandated. In our initial focus groups for school personnel, participants demonstrated clear knowledge and skills gaps and demonstrated a desire to attend the training later this year.

    Mike - Many thanks for this suggestion. Would be great to get a few more. The focus is on 'disordered eating'
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Turning the TIDE"

    Where TIDE is an acronym for:
    Teen Impacted by Disordered Eating -or- Teen Intervention on Disordered Eating (for example)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Stem Disordered Eating
    Early Intervention Can Save a Life

    Educators Care
    Detect and Fight Disordered Eating

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